View Full Version : Hello

18-09-10, 01:48
Hi there,

I just signed up here. I'm female, 23 and have been having anxiety and panic attacks on and off frequently for about the last 5 months but occasions with infrequent ones for as long as I can remember! It's been particularly bad this week but it's nice to find this place where I can talk about it and share things with other people. I think it kind of started when I got ill while out by myself and threw up a few times in public (no one stopped to help, I think they thought I was an addict!) :doh: though I think there are some other underlying things I need to get to the bottom of. I generally feel a bit stuck in my life at the moment and I think this is how it's manifesting itself.

I don't tend to have breathing troubles, it's just this damn nausea, upset stomach and this building panic. I've psychologically managed to realise that I'm not going to die or anything like that, I just have this fear that the panic will build and build and not go away ever and I'll end up in a state of extreme hysteria (or / and throw up everywhere). The days when they happen I tend to wake up with a horrible nervous feeling and fear that it will happen on the journey to work (which, because I think this, it inevitably does). I manage to keep them under control but it doesn't completely go away for hours. I have a long journey coming up this week and I'm (I@m) a little worried how I'll deal with it. Anyway, that's me just getting some things off my chest, I could go on forever :winks: Nice to be here.

18-09-10, 01:53
Hi MiniatureDisasters

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

18-09-10, 02:54
Hi there, welcome to NMP. This is a great place which has helped me a lot, I am sure you will find some solace on here. xx

18-09-10, 09:35
Welcome, I'm glad ye found NMP Miniture Disasters. :welcome:

I know how it feels to be out and feeling ill & being sick, many folk walked by me too, I think they thot I was an addict or something too, there's a lot where I stay, but in truth I was very ill & cud really have done wae someone stoppping, even tho I'm sociophobic. :blush:

There's loads of friendly folk here, I always say it's like one big extended family for me & I hope it becomes one for you too. :bighug1: