View Full Version : hi guys im new to this

18-09-10, 01:53
Hi my names Darren and im 23 year old. Let start from the begining its prob easier for myself. I haven't had the best of child hoods parents broke up when i was 11/12 and I was made to feel to blame. When i was 14 i was diagnosed with a.d.h.d and asbergers (a form of autism) Now over the last 8 years thinks just haven't gone rite for me I ended up being homeless more than once (both not being my fault). When i turned 19 is when it started to get really bad i start seeing things in my head, I could be normally talking to either someone i know or someone i don't know and i would just get images in my head of me being violent towards that person (males and females) it comes and goes but at the moment its on a really low i wake up every morning thinking whats the point in this whats the point in me everything i touch i destroy, its slowly beginning to make an impact of my relationship with my gf. Two weeks ago I went to the doctors for help and was pammed off as if i was making this all up and was sent on my way. Im scared that one day im going to wake up and flip and either hurt myself or hurt someone else. please someone help me.

18-09-10, 01:56
Hi whymandarren

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

18-09-10, 08:07
Hi Darren and welcome :)

18-09-10, 09:08
welcome to the forum :)

18-09-10, 09:43
Hi Darren. :welcome:

Ye'll find yer not alone here, many other like myself have had rotten childhoods & ongoing problems throughout our lives, there's plenty of friend & helpful folk on here who'll do what they can to help & support you, we all do it for each other like being in one big family. I swear by this place, if it wasn't for NMP I wudn't be here today. :blush:

Welcome to the family Darren. :bighug1: