View Full Version : My ultrasound....

Silly Blonde
03-03-06, 14:01
.....was absolutely fine!!! The radiographer said my ovaries were hardly visible - so no sign of any cysts etc. He said he would look at the still pictures to double check - but it looked like completely normal scan to him!!

I had similar symptoms years ago, had an ultrasound and that was normal, so it was just put down to IBS. My Mum was still alive back then, so I accepted her reassurance and didn't worry. Now that she is no longer with us, I feel that my support and reassurance has disappeared, hence the worry and panic. Never realised that grief could be so delayed - I lost my Mum nearly 4 years ago.

I felt better yesterday - but I'm now thinking about other things it could be. Typical really - I suppose I really should believe my psychologist when he says that reassurance is fine in the short term, but not long term.

Everytime I see him he asks "are you dead yet"? Hmmm - I guess not!!

I'm on Mirtazapine, and still worry that they "mask" any weight loss (main side effect is the "munchies"!!!) - but my GP tells me that no pill in the world can mask weight loss if there is something seriously wrong!

I know that I just need to accept that this is plain old health anxiety - and I do remember how good I felt last summer!

Thanks for all your kind words and sorry for rambling.

SB xx

Ma Larkin
03-03-06, 15:04
Hi SB, I always get that.. "are you dead yet?" I feel like i'm being morbid, but I really do worry about it. I've had loads of tests, ECG's, x-rays, blood tests, thyroid checks, everything OK, temperature, blood pressure, everything spot on. So why worry!! I don't think I'll ever accept the fact that this is just anxiety that I am suffering from because I haven't got anything to be anxious about any more. My life is better than it ever has been, yet I constantly feel anxious, every single day. I'd give anything to stop these thoughts, but the symptoms are so real aren't they? Every morning I wake up & thank god for another day (not religious by the way lol!), but I need to someone to thank!!

Glad everything went OK for you.
