View Full Version : Need help guys

18-09-10, 09:34
I need some light at the end of the tunnel guys, and any tips really.

5 weeks ago, I had a 48 hr panic attack, just so horrible. Over the past 5 weeks, I had a really bad first week, then 3 decent ones, (the meds had kicked in), then the past week has been awful again. I am on 2.5mg Olanzapine and have 2mg Diaz for emergencies. I am having counselling which is helping.

I am changing my diet, I don't drink and I gave up smoking a month ago. Am taking up Tai Chi as well. So I am trying everything I can to get better. What I am struggling with, is stopping an episode when it happens. I do all the usual, Rescue Remedy, relaxing music, try and think positive thoughts etc....but as I said, just had a week long one, and could nothing at all to stop it. I just feel so lonely when that happens, was lying in bed last night til 3am, took one 2mg Diaz which didn't help, didn't want to take another one (maybe I should have but I didn't want to), and eventually dropped off and woke up at 8.30am, I am exhausted.

What do you all do when you feel a bad one coming? I am new to all this and realise it may take time, learning to live with these horrible episodes, but I need all the tips I can get. I am going to see my GP again this week to tell her about my week and discuss the dosage of my meds, I can't cope with another week like the last one, I really can't! :weep:

18-09-10, 09:42
Good for you for changing your life to try and stop the anxiety. It will work, it just takes some time :)
I have an ipod touch that I have downloaded some relaxation apps onto. Whenever I feel the anxiety rising I put the headphones on and listen to it. It was hard at first to relax, but after lots of practise it really started to help me.

18-09-10, 09:49
Good for you for changing your life to try and stop the anxiety. It will work, it just takes some time :)
I have an ipod touch that I have downloaded some relaxation apps onto. Whenever I feel the anxiety rising I put the headphones on and listen to it. It was hard at first to relax, but after lots of practise it really started to help me.

Thanks Vixxy. :hugs: I am just at my wits end, I had a really good 3 weeks, so this past week has totally thrown me. I know it will take time as this is so new to me, but when my anxiety levels get really high, I am just scared of everything, its just ridiculous and the longer it goes on, the more scared I get, so perpetuating the attack. So frustrating. :weep: I am hoping the Tai Chi will help me and having a chat with my lovely GP.

18-09-10, 13:37
Well, I walked into town with other half, lovely and sunny. Still feel exhausted and whoozy, as took Diaz last night. I wish I could feel 'normal'. Its been a week since I have. I am hoping that its not that I am still anxious today, but that my body is recovering from the last few days. Such hard work thinking positive 24/7! I hope to have an 'ok' weekend and be able to sleep, that is all I ask for at the mo.

Hope everyone is having a calm day. xx

Hazel B
18-09-10, 14:08
It seems you are doing all you can to get over this. My GP advised me to eat well, walk every day and drink lots of water. Basic stuff I know, but that helps our bodies. For my mind and anxiety, I'm learning to breathe deeply, trying meditation, listening to calming music and seeing a counsellor once a week. I'm still on Propranolol 40mg 3x day, which calms my pulse and haven't had an attack since taking it. I'm hoping the counselling will help most long term as I have years of unspoken trauma and words in my head.
Also, as you know, I stopped smoking and drinking coffee. Don't miss the fags at all, would LOVE a coffee! If anyone knows of a coffee substitute that tastes half decent PLEASE tell me!
Hope you have a better day today.

18-09-10, 17:06
It seems you are doing all you can to get over this. My GP advised me to eat well, walk every day and drink lots of water. Basic stuff I know, but that helps our bodies. For my mind and anxiety, I'm learning to breathe deeply, trying meditation, listening to calming music and seeing a counsellor once a week. I'm still on Propranolol 40mg 3x day, which calms my pulse and haven't had an attack since taking it. I'm hoping the counselling will help most long term as I have years of unspoken trauma and words in my head.

Also, as you know, I stopped smoking and drinking coffee. Don't miss the fags at all, would LOVE a coffee! If anyone knows of a coffee substitute that tastes half decent PLEASE tell me!
Hope you have a better day today.

Thank you Hazel. I am really looking at everything I am eating and drinking now. I also think I need to take more vits as some are vital to deal with anxiety, I think, the B ones?

Well I have been out and about a fair bit with other half today, I didn't want to be on my own and he had stuff to do and places to go, but I am exhausted now, think I may have overdone it. I still don't feel normal, I have just taken my second 2.5mg Olanzapine. I am just worried that nothing will work for me, (I know..I am doing it to myself with all the worry!)....the Olanzapine worked for 3 weeks, but this past week, hasn't seemed to help at all. Hope to get in and see my GP this week and have a chat with her, I need some sort of change with the meds, I can't have another week like this past one, as I am exhausted and I need to work, it keeps me distracted and in a routine but even if I got signed off, that is no solution, as I would be at home on my own and that probably is worse.

Hazel B
18-09-10, 17:13
Well done for going out love, it's supposed to help us sleep better.
Please do go and see your GP this week, it will help to talk things through and ask about the meds. I don't know how long yours takes to kick in, I have beta-blockers which calmed my heart within hours.
I've read the B vits are good, also oats and turkey help keep us calm, been eating porridge loads!
Take care, am thinking of you.

18-09-10, 17:36
Well done for going out love, it's supposed to help us sleep better.
Please do go and see your GP this week, it will help to talk things through and ask about the meds. I don't know how long yours takes to kick in, I have beta-blockers which calmed my heart within hours.

I've read the B vits are good, also oats and turkey help keep us calm, been eating porridge loads!

Take care, am thinking of you.

When I first got ill with these attacks, 5 weeks ago, I saw a different GP to my own and he prescribed me Propanolol but it didn't touch the sides when I got an attack. So I then got to see my GP and she said Olanzapine would be better, and it was better for about 3 weeks, worked a treat, but this past week has been hell. I am on the lowest dose of Olanzapine so she might suggest upping it, or something else altogether. All I know is I need help, last time I had a normalish day was Sunday, seems like a lifetime ago...

18-09-10, 17:52
We seem to be in a similar place, heavenly...my last okay day was just over a week ago. I'm seeing my GP on Thursday as I think I need to up my citalopram.

I'm thinking of you, I really am, this anxiety is incredibly difficult to deal with...I had an alright few hours today and now its back with a vengeance.

Love and hugs to you, heavenly xx

18-09-10, 18:02
We seem to be in a similar place, heavenly...my last okay day was just over a week ago. I'm seeing my GP on Thursday as I think I need to up my citalopram.

I'm thinking of you, I really am, this anxiety is incredibly difficult to deal with...I had an alright few hours today and now its back with a vengeance.

Love and hugs to you, heavenly xx

Hi Agnes, I was not put on anti depressants as I didn't feel depressed and don't feel depressed when I am having a 'normal' day. I had the bad attacks 5 weeks ago and my GP put me on Olanzapine which re-trains your brain to get rid of illogical thoughts. But if these anxieties continue, I probably will be put on anti depressants! Mind you, if it helps me, then I don't mind. Just so exhausted with it all. Sorry you are having a bad time. Hugs to you. :hugs:

18-09-10, 18:07
We seem to be in a similar place, heavenly...my last okay day was just over a week ago. I'm seeing my GP on Thursday as I think I need to up my citalopram.

I'm thinking of you, I really am, this anxiety is incredibly difficult to deal with...I had an alright few hours today and now its back with a vengeance.

Love and hugs to you, heavenly xx

Been trying to accept all this myself and move on but its very difficult and my mind is in a constant tug of war with it on accepting and not accepting.

19-09-10, 12:40
Update from me.

I fell asleep on the couch last night at 9pm, dragged myself to bed and didn't wake up til 8.30am and without a Diaz as well!

Not a surprise really, after 6 days of anxiety, I was totally exhausted. I am a bit better today! Anxiety levels are much lower but I am still tired and whoozy, and a bit fragile, probably becaused I went from 1 Olanzapine to 2, these past few days...but a bit better, is a bit better! Need to take all the positives out of how I am today compared to yesterday.

And hopefully I can get to see my GP this week, then I will have a plan, because if a biggy like that one comes along again, I need to be taking the right stuff, or taking the right amount because what I am on at the mo, didn't stop it.

Thanks to you all for your kind support. xxx

Hazel B
19-09-10, 12:43
Great that you slept!
Book that GP appointment tomorrow then it's done and you can prepare what to say.
Thinking of you. x

19-09-10, 16:56
Great that you slept!
Book that GP appointment tomorrow then it's done and you can prepare what to say.

Thinking of you. x

She is on holiday until Tuesday and if you want to see her same day, you have to ring up at 8am on that day, always a bit hit and miss getting through unfortunately. Fingers crossed though!

So tired and fragile today, I think because it was 6 straight days. If I get a few 'ok' days now, I will feel stronger, but at the mo, the bad days have outweighed the days.

Do you think I will end up on anti depressants? I wasn't depressed before my attacks started, and I didn't feel depressed until this past week. But if I get another biggy like last week, I can seriously see me getting really down about the whole thing.

Hazel B
19-09-10, 17:11
I know what you mean about having to call at 8am, I have to set the alarm for that one at the moment as I'm signed off work!
I honestly don't know if you will be prescribed anti-depressants, all I can do is wish you well and send support and understanding. My GP asked me to do a tick list of how I was feeling and it was more anxiety than depression. Anxiety to me is a fear and worry of something, even though it may be irrational, and my heart rate was crazy.
I wish you better days for this week and will be thinking of you, take care.

19-09-10, 18:26
I know what you mean about having to call at 8am, I have to set the alarm for that one at the moment as I'm signed off work!

I honestly don't know if you will be prescribed anti-depressants, all I can do is wish you well and send support and understanding. My GP asked me to do a tick list of how I was feeling and it was more anxiety than depression. Anxiety to me is a fear and worry of something, even though it may be irrational, and my heart rate was crazy.

I wish you better days for this week and will be thinking of you, take care.

Yes, I think, after 6 straight days of anxiety, my mind is just still in over-drive with silly, irrational thoughts. If I look at my life generally, I am pretty sure I am not depressed about anything but I feel anxious about so many things, which is getting me down, which is making me think I could end up being depressed! So confusing! Oh well, everything crossed that today is the first day of a few days of being not too bad and a nice chat with my GP will help.

Thank you Hazel, you being off work and everything and still finding the time to talk to me. :hugs:

You just on Prop, then Hazel? And you are seeing a counsellor once a week as well, are you finding that a help? I love my counsellor, she has such a kind calming voice. I have a few layers to peel off over quite a number of years. At least I can see why my nervous system just had enough 5 weeks ago, it was telling me in no uncertain terms that I needed to talk to someone!

20-09-10, 09:03
Well yesterday was not too bad, and I did sleep ok. At work now, still don't feel normal but I made it to work, so brownie points for that! :yesyes: And it distracts me, and I need that. Counting down the hours til I can ring the doctors in the morning to see my GP, I know I will feel a lot better after discussing with her this past week I have had. Oh for a normal day...ho hum....

Hope everyone is having a calm day so far. xx

20-09-10, 10:50
Bit of a result, rang docs on the off chance and there is a slot for her at 5.30pm tonight - hurrah!! I think just talking to someone who treats and sees people like me...weirdos...lol.....is half the battle for me, I need a sane voice to drown me out. :blush:

Hazel B
20-09-10, 11:13
That's great! Let me know how you get on.
And you're not a weirdo, you are someone with anxiety, you wouldn't judge yourself that way if you had a broken leg, would you?

Hazel B
20-09-10, 11:41
I forgot to answer your questions: yes, I'm just on Propranolol, started on Citalopram but I only took it for 4 days as it felt wrong (sweating, headaches, more anxiety).
I see a counsellor once a week, it's talking therapy and does help me as I have years of unspoken stuff in my head and some trauma that needs to come out. It's like a long scream that has to happen, if that makes sense.
I see my GP today at 4pm, we can both report back.

20-09-10, 15:11
I forgot to answer your questions: yes, I'm just on Propranolol, started on Citalopram but I only took it for 4 days as it felt wrong (sweating, headaches, more anxiety).
I see a counsellor once a week, it's talking therapy and does help me as I have years of unspoken stuff in my head and some trauma that needs to come out. It's like a long scream that has to happen, if that makes sense.
I see my GP today at 4pm, we can both report back.

I think mine is talking therapy as well. That does make complete sense, Hazel. Mine goes back over 30 years. I am 5 weeks in with the counselling now and I am so glad I am doing it.

Hope you have a successful visit with your GP and speak later. xxx

Hazel B
20-09-10, 15:16
You too, will be thinking of you and send a big hug.

20-09-10, 15:42
You too, will be thinking of you and send a big hug.

Hugs to you too, Hazel. :hugs:

Well I have been pro-active today, :ohmy: I found a Gentle Relaxation and Yoga Drop In Class near me on a Friday afternoon. I emailed the lady taking the class and told her of my situation and would the class be ok for me. She replied back and was so kind! She said it would be extremely useful to me with my anxiety and its a gentle class with everyone going at their own pace. She gave me her phone number as well if I had any more queries. So not sure if I will be going to that this Friday or next Friday yet, but pleased with myself as I am on my own Friday afternoons and wanted a good positive plan to keep me distracted and also healthy! :yesyes:

Hazel B
20-09-10, 17:30
Hey, that's great, well done! You are doing SO much to help yourself, it's fab! I've heard that Yoga can be good and it also helps with "proper breathing".
Just back from the docs, he signed me off for another 2 weeks and gave me more Propranolol, I have some hospital sessions in October (gallstone)so he thought I should keep my heart rate down to get through those.
How was your appointment? Hope it went well for you.

20-09-10, 21:34
Hey, that's great, well done! You are doing SO much to help yourself, it's fab! I've heard that Yoga can be good and it also helps with "proper breathing".

Just back from the docs, he signed me off for another 2 weeks and gave me more Propranolol, I have some hospital sessions in October (gallstone)so he thought I should keep my heart rate down to get through those.
How was your appointment? Hope it went well for you.

Hi Hazel, glad you had a good appointment. :hugs: Good idea with the Prop, preparing you for hospital. My procedure on 1 October is going to have to be cancelled, my other half can't take the time off work. Can't say I mind having it delayed a bit.

I told my GP the chain of events re the 6 day anxiety episode and she explained to me that one thing after another had just piled up (watched a 9/11 episode just before bed last Sunday night, then the anxiety reared its ugly head, I then got hospital appointment stuff, other half was staying away overnight during the week and my immediate support network, my GP and my younger sis, both were on holiday last week!) She said it was not surprising that I got totally lost in an anxiety spiral. She wants to keep me on 2 x 2.5mg Olanzapine a day, she said I don't need to up it (I was relieved I didn't have to up it). She is very pleased with me, going to counselling, giving up smoking, yoga class etc. and I will see her again when I need to. She is such a positive lady! She told me that it will take time for me to get used to everything happening to me and I will learn more and more as time goes on re how to deal with the episodes. I need to be kind to myself, baby steps! xx

21-09-10, 09:22
Feel ok this morning, but the thought of my other half getting sick and tired of all this keeps popping into my head. I know...I know....! He doesn't understand what I am going through, why should he, and one day I am fine, next day, I don't want him to leave me and go out anywhere. I hate being dependent like this and don't want him feeling smothered. I know I am over-analysing it, comes with the territory of being anxious I suppose, but I don't want this effecting our relationship. We have lived together for 6 1/2 years and we have helped each other through some tough times. So I keep telling myself, this is just another phase, you will both get through it!

Hope everyone is having a calm day today. xxx

Hazel B
21-09-10, 12:27
I'm so glad it went well with your GP, it does help to have one who is kind and listens. You know that you are doing all you can to help yourself and should be proud, no wonder you had wobbles without all your support network!
I'm sure your partner loves you very much and tries as much as he can, it's probably the anxiety making you worry so much. Nobody understands the crap we have until they have had it themselves really.
You're right, small steps, though I just sometimes want the "old me" back, you take it for granted when you're OK.
Take care and have a good day. x

21-09-10, 16:14
I'm so glad it went well with your GP, it does help to have one who is kind and listens. You know that you are doing all you can to help yourself and should be proud, no wonder you had wobbles without all your support network!

I'm sure your partner loves you very much and tries as much as he can, it's probably the anxiety making you worry so much. Nobody understands the crap we have until they have had it themselves really.

You're right, small steps, though I just sometimes want the "old me" back, you take it for granted when you're OK.
Take care and have a good day. x

Thanks Hazel. :hugs: My other half is great, and its not his fault he doesn't understand, I think its because I am coming off the back of a very long anxiety episode, my thoughts are still in overdrive. I need a few days of 'just me' again, (on how I wish for a few days!), then I can get some strength back to cope with whatever is thrown at me next.

Half day today, so had a walk, then watched a bit of tv then hoovered the whole flat, have to keep busy, it does help!

Hope you are ok today Hazel. xxx

Hazel B
21-09-10, 16:22
Having a good one mostly, though some noises woke me in the night, my neighbours are a nightmare. Been doing house jobs too: washing, cleaning etc, it does keep me distracted. Also sent my sick note to work and did not feel guilty, I just need to get well and like you, have a "normal day".
You're doing well, keep going!

21-09-10, 17:45
Having a good one mostly, though some noises woke me in the night, my neighbours are a nightmare. Been doing house jobs too: washing, cleaning etc, it does keep me distracted. Also sent my sick note to work and did not feel guilty, I just need to get well and like you, have a "normal day".
You're doing well, keep going!

I am glad you are having a good one. :hugs: I just feel weak, though I do keep telling myself I am doing well, exhausting though! When I got the first panic attack, I had a week off work sick, then had a week as hols. So I have been back to work the past 2 1/2 weeks and its such a struggle, being signed off work would be no help to me though, as I would be on my own at home, and that is when the devil gets to work! :wacko: So its the choice of the devil or the deep blue sea really, but would rather be with people and distracted. xxx

Hazel B
21-09-10, 17:54
I think you're brilliant to keep working, I would have to travel 45 miles into London and just can't deal with it. I do dwell on things on my own at home though, so I will go out more often. I just want to come home after an hour to feel safe, don't think it's agrophobia just my health worries make me feel safer at home.
I'm sure you'll feel less weak as time goes by, you've had a rough time.
Wishing you a calm evening and good night's sleep. x

22-09-10, 12:23
I think you're brilliant to keep working, I would have to travel 45 miles into London and just can't deal with it. I do dwell on things on my own at home though, so I will go out more often. I just want to come home after an hour to feel safe, don't think it's agrophobia just my health worries make me feel safer at home.
I'm sure you'll feel less weak as time goes by, you've had a rough time.
Wishing you a calm evening and good night's sleep. x

No wonder with that journey to work! You need to feel stronger, make sure you look afterself, Hazel. :hugs: Feel a bit better this morning, an improvement on yesterday, so that is a good thing! Yes, I do understand about being at home and making yourself go out. I am going to re-join David Lloyds, my other half is a member and it is so lovely up there. They do loads of pilates, tai chi and yoga classes, and there is a pool, so when I have my 3 half days, I can keep distracted whilst looking after myself at the same time, a good plan I think. :D

Thanks for all your support Hazel. xxx

Hazel B
22-09-10, 12:28
You're welcome, it works both ways!
I slept better last night, my fella gets up at 4.45am to go into London but I didn't even hear him for the first time in ages. Lack of sleep really affects me, so that's good.
The gym sounds good, you're so proactive and I'm glad you feel OK today.
Take care.

22-09-10, 12:32
You're welcome, it works both ways!

I slept better last night, my fella gets up at 4.45am to go into London but I didn't even hear him for the first time in ages. Lack of sleep really affects me, so that's good.

The gym sounds good, you're so proactive and I'm glad you feel OK today.
Take care.

So pleased you got a decent night's sleep, just makes everything a little bit easier to deal with, I think. Have a good calm day today. xxx

22-09-10, 17:31
Had a fairly ok day today!! Not brilliant...but a BIG improvement on yesterday...so focus on the positives, Heavenly. :D

Well, I am going to my first Yoga class this Friday, its called Gentle Relaxation and Yoga. Lovely lady that runs it emailed me and I called her. She said it would be perfect for me, would help with my breathing and general wellbeing. So - pleased with that! Onwards and upwards. :yesyes:

Ooh don't know if anyone watches this, but Sky Channel 275 is BRILL! Called Body In Balance tv. All day it shows yoga, pilates, healthy living programmes etc..... I have Sky plussed a few yoga programmes so I can watch and do them whenever. Its a great channel!! Try it out if you have it. :D

Hazel B
22-09-10, 17:42
I'll be tuning in to that later, I like the sound of it!
Have a good night and hope you sleep well.

22-09-10, 17:48
I'll be tuning in to that later, I like the sound of it!
Have a good night and hope you sleep well.

Its a great channel, here is the link. So glad I found it!


Take care Hazel. xx

23-09-10, 17:25
Well have had 2 decentish days, though slight wobble this afternoon. Went to watch my sis and nephew swim, and it was so hot in there, I felt quite unwell, had to sit outside and wait for them, so sort of went a bit backwards today, but I suppose that will happen from time to time. I am slowly realising how my body reacts to these episodes. As I had a week long episode, it is taking my body a good few days this week to recover from it. I need to be kinder to myself and not be so impatient.

Have another counselling session at 6pm so looking forward to that. Hope everyone is having a calm day today. xx

24-09-10, 10:05
Had a good session last night with my counsellor. She is doing CBT with me to tackle my negative thoughts head on, we are also delving into my past, its hard but its worthwhile.

Had a bit of IBS trouble at work this morning, its been over 6 weeks since I had that, but hey ho, my nervous system has been working over-drive this past week and the stomach is always the main thing that suffers so not going to get too worried about it returning and end up fretting about it, its par for the course at the mo, and I will get better! Have yoga class this afternoon, first time for me, but looking forward to it.

Hope everyone is having a calm day. xxx

24-09-10, 16:12
I didn't make it to yoga, having the tummy problems this morning left me feeling a bit nervous about going and trying something new. So did Tai Chi at home instead but hopefully next week, I will make it to the class.

Hazel B
24-09-10, 16:50
Small steps, the class can wait until you're ready. x

25-09-10, 10:57
Small steps, the class can wait until you're ready. x

Thanks Hazel. :hugs: I did manage some Tai Chi at home yesterday, that was nice. And I managed Sainsburys this morning and that was busy! Still feel exhausted though, its been a long 2 weeks!!

Have a calm day today. xx