View Full Version : Im worried my symptoms arent Anxiety based

03-03-06, 14:02
i post so many times on this site and im TRUELY SORRY if im anooying anyone but i love everyones reasurrance.

i read alot of peoples posts about a lump in there throat and im yet to experience that, this makes me think im not suffering from anxiety,

my symptoms are

APON WAKENING i get tight tension in my eyes and kneck like ive slept funny and like somethings bursting to gt out of my eyes

lighheaded (most of the time except worse if i go outside)
tension alot in most parts of body
fearful feeling like everything is gonna go worng
a feeling like im not present
sometimes find myself breathing fast
find my self having to take deep breaths alot because i feel i need to catch my breathe

im scared all of these are not related to anxiety or panic
and i have a brain tumour because of my lighheadedness
or a blood clot cause of strain in my eyes or
diabtetes cause when i feel lighheaded i think its cause i have no sugar level.

would i be fainting all the time if that was the case?

please try help me AGAIn and im sorry if im annoying anyone


03-03-06, 15:09
Hey there, if the advice given hear is reasuring that is great dont feel bad about it, most of us have the same problems but then again we are all different so symptoms may be slightly different but what it boils down to is all the same.

I noticed when you described the symptoms you use words like 'fear' and 'tension'... to me that screams out more then the real 'physical' symptoms, because they are caused by those to things. So anyone reading your symptoms will definately sense alot of fear in you, hense why you may post alot... and its all causing you to have these symptoms. Anxiety and panic are very powerful things indeed. It takes over our minds, and our bodies. It can become 'the norm' almost... and we start thinking it has to be something serious.

I can relate to your symptoms. Shaking is so commen, everyone shakes when they are very nervous. It has nothing to do with our hearts or brain... as the word 'nerves' its all down to our nervous systems and shaking is its natural response to fear.

I dont get a lump in my throat either...

I feel lightheaded alot its terrible. Its not because there isn't enough blood in your head or because there is a tumour. Tumour has alot of other additional symptoms and you know about it. Brain tumours are also incredibly rare. I havn't actually heard about anyone getting a brain tumour except in a film or a soap opera. Feeling light headed is all about the oxygen in your blood. When your anxious the balance of oxygen and carbon monoxide changes without you even realising! So its helpful to practise breathing into your abdomen. As you say you find yourself breathing fast, this is your body responding to your anxiety and it will make you feel better to practise controlling it.

Tension makings your muscles tight everywhere, can make you ache alot which might make you feel abit weak, even tired because it can be very constant. Might help to try and stretch out your muscles try and make them relax whilst breathing slowly and into your stomach. You could try starting from your feet and clenching them for a few seconds and then releasing them a few times slowly. And move it round all the muscles to your fists and such.

I often feel like im not present or i dont no where i am, i dont really have any advice on this one, i just know how scary and horrible it feels, its an odd symptom to experience but commen with anxiety.

I also find myself taking 'gasps' because i think i cant breathe or feel out of breath. Its like a sudden surge of fear and panic that can just come from know where.

Eye strain isnt due to blood clots. It could be a combination of tension or slight fatigue ive suffered from it for many years.

If you are worried about diabetes wouldn't hurt to get a test. You can get them at alot of chemists, just go in and they take the blood then you go back an hour later for the results. I get similar symptoms to you and ive had a test, so i very much doubt its that. Diabetes often is an incredible thirst and sufferers know theres definately something wrong and the symptoms just come on in a week or 2. Another type has less or no symtoms but can be there for years and years.

Hope ive helped you out a little and i hope you can find some positivity in yourself to help you beat your anxiety so you dont find you need to visit hear for reasurance. Things might feel bad now but they wont last forever! Good luck


ps sorry its so damn long. ah well

Never say never, opps said it twice..

03-03-06, 16:22
Hi Katy

This list reads to me like typical anxiety symptoms - I can relate to them all plus much more!

Everybodys anxiety symptoms can differ and just because you dont get the lump in the throat does mean its not anxiety. Have you read any books on anxiety Claire Weekes is fantastic.

How long have you felt like this?

You wrote "diabtetes cause when i feel lighheaded i think its cause i have no sugar level" - this is so like me I must admit. If we tell ourselves something for long enough we start to believe it then our body reacts to our thoughts and we get the symptoms worse - a cycle which can be broken by CBT.

If you have been to GP and he has diagnosed anxiety then the first step in getting better is trust that is what you have got. Accept the horrible sensations are caused by anxiety and learn coping methods to help control them.

Hope this has helped some, Katy


........life is for living not just for surviving

april tones
05-03-06, 22:15
hi, i can relate to you tooo. had similar feelings in past and some now. i get the diabetes fear x
