View Full Version : Anxiety is ruining my life! HELP!

18-09-10, 09:53
Well here's my story - I have been a shy and anxious person ever since i was 11 (Im 22 now). My anxiety is not as bad as other i.e I dont get panic attacks/anxiety attacks however mild anxiety is almost like the norm for me. Its almost as if anxiety is running in the background whatever situation. Even when I'm quite happy im still anxious. When I do feel calmness (which is very very rare) its almost a shock to me because the anxiety is totally gone. I have never had a normal life with this anxiety. I have never been in a state where I am happy. Its almost hard to feel happiness. This constant anxiety and stress has taken a toll on my body. I am losing my hair, I have bad circulation, sexual problems, sleep problems etc. I have tried many supplements. I have been on meds once but they failed to work (they were the weakest I think). I have been through CBT, it helped in terms of setting goals and stuff but I still had anxiety problems. I'm really stuck of what to do right now...Any help/suggestions would be really appreciated. I'm a beginner to battling anxiety so I'm willing to try anything.

paula lynne
18-09-10, 10:16
Hi there I dont have social anx, just panic and agrophobia. I just wanted to say you are not alone, and Im sure others who suffer as you do will post to you very soon. Hang on in there xx:)

19-09-10, 19:41
Hi. It sounds like generalised anxiety, what you have. I have it too. My friends don't understand how I always seem to find something to worry about, even when I'm supposed to be having a good time. It makes it difficult to concentrate on anything.

I'm not sure how to beat the anxiety either, I am just trying to cope with it. Have you tried any self-help books? I've been reading Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers, I'm not that far through but it has some useful and important insights about fear and what we fear. Read about anxiety and try to learn more about it and the way it manifests itself, it helps when you need to convince yourself that it's just anxiety. I hope you do manage to find some relief, because this is horrible to live with.

Fly away Katie
19-09-10, 20:09
Hey hun, just a random quest.. have you ever been diagnosed with depression? It sounds simelar to that x

19-09-10, 22:35
I can really relate to what you're going through right now.

I've always been a worrier and this has manifested in to anxiety and mild depression due to my workload.

I did like unspoken suggested and read up lots, it really did reassure me that its just my mind and something I can overcome x