View Full Version : is this rosacea?

18-09-10, 09:59
Hi :blush:

I hope someone can help, I am at my wits end trying to fathom out my face!! For the last 12 months when I have either been hot, drunk a very hot drink or been stressed my right cheek has flushed badly. Causing stinging and pain and slight swelling?! My left cheek is red ish as well but no where near as red or painful as the right side? I have seen my GP several times and she doesn't commit herself to a diagnosis and has prescribed metrogel which has done nothing other than cause a lovely peeling effect as it sits on the surface of my skin. Also it calmed down over the summer only to start up again now the temperature is dropping now we are in Autumn. It is horrible and is making me really miserable. I can't drink tea anymore at work for risk of a flare and I have a stressful job so when things are heating up in the office so is my cheek!!!

I have researched this myself (bad idea) and come up with Rosacea, but because it worse on one side I am also getting information stating a tumour in the lung, which i mentioned to my GP and she looked at me gone out!! I have also had carcinoid syndrome come up too but my flushing isn't accompanied by the other symptoms so I doubt it is that!

Does this sound like Rosacea and has anyone experienced symptoms that are worse on one side? Also when I am not flushed my skin looks quite normal ??




18-09-10, 19:02
Does anyone on here suffer with Rosacea?

18-09-10, 20:08
Hi Darling

Ive had acne rosacea for many years, Do you get pimples or boils on the reddened areas?

18-09-10, 20:50
Could it be some sort of allergy? Even fabric conditioner on your bed linen/pillow if you sleep on one side more than the other.

my daughter had rosacea a few years ago due to a stressful job.

18-09-10, 21:38
Thank you for your replies. I don't think it is an allergy as it seems to happen under stress and when hot. It also calmed down over the summer and now is back and worse. It flushes for about an hour or more and I have noticed now broken veins on this cheek? My mum has thought menopause but I am only 35! Also it is only one cheek which I find strange! No boils some spots from time to time and my neck/chest area gets quite alot of small pustule type spots????????? any ideas??

Rachel W
18-09-10, 23:31
When I get flustered, like rushing to get somewhere, or if nervous about going out I will get flushed cheeks. I usually drive to where I am going with the window rolled down to try to cool them off. I am pretty sure it is just a reaction to stress. I don't get it too much anymore so there is also hope.
Mine is usually in both cheeks, but it may depend upon your circulation and blood vessels. I also used to get broken blood vessels that also looked like rosacea but never had the spots or anything.

If your doctor isn't concerned then you shouldn't be especially as it happens when stressed and/or hot (and if you are like me, you feel it coming on, then get stressed which brings it on more).

Please don't worry about it. Just try to stay calm and take deep breaths when it happens.

Take Care. Bless.

19-09-10, 00:13
I have rosacea. The sun makes it worse, my hot flashes make it worse, and crying will. I use clobetasol and gentamycin sulfate (both topical) and that helps.