View Full Version : Please Please help

18-09-10, 13:10
Hi my name is Ian, i would like to start by saying why dont we ever believe we have Anxitey? well lets start with how we used to feel we was fine we could do things like go out we could run and play, we could even cook food we could talk to our friends so on, right all of a sudden some of us have a Panic Attack and god do we think we are dying yes because its such a weird feeling that hits us somthing we dont understand, our Herats will race we might get hot and cold feelings tingling feelings a feeling of doom we are going to die, but wait hold on, we didnt die did we NO, and yes we can get them form time to time or even everyday, but think very hard we are all still here, talking in the Forum, but what about Anxitey why do we suffer from this, good Question, why do we get really weired symptoms/ fast heart rate now this can happen all day or on and off all day or once in a while, Chest pains again the same, hot feelings/ cold feelings, Tingling Fellings, Dizzy feeling light headed feelings like we are being pushed and we are going to fall, But think again, we are still here, how long does this last days months years? well thats down to us only we can sort this out no Doctor in the world can help us, Meds only mask the symptoms wont ever cure you, will malke you feel better but thats it, Now im a fine one to talk as i suffer every day and still do but i know its anxitey as if it wasnt i would be getting worse wouldnt I? now ive had Anxitey since 1989, but it wasnt there all the time it might of been there for a year then go for 4 years then come baack again this is what anxitey does to us, and it comes back worse, well i hope someone can come back to me and let me know if you suffer like this many thanks for reading my post ian

18-09-10, 13:19
Hi ian yes i do suffer 6 months now i was well for 10 years then bam its back!!...I do realise its anxiety but then i throw in what if im mad or having a pyscosis which has made this time much worse for me...your right no doctor can cure us but i cant seem to cure myself either x

18-09-10, 13:29
Hi Ian,
In a way we control our own panic attacks depending on their severity and how we are feeling at that precise time of a panic. I mean if one comes on sometimes we are stronger than other times and seem to fight it more, then on another occasion we might take flight and run to the hills, unfortunately Mr Panic comes along too. Its taken me a very long time for me to get to this stage but more often than not if I feel a panic approaching I go with the flow, its hard to explain but I dont run away. I suppose I face it head on and the way I do this is house work, exercise, anything other than sit and panic!
Ive written in another post that I see panic attacks as an unwelcome visitor, they turn up out the blue and are very hard to get rid of! We have to be strong, we have to be logical, we have to tell them to bog off but unfortunatley all this flies out the window and we turn into a wreck and go through the same old motions that so annoy us when we are passed the worst of it. For me it was the fear of loosing control that made me stand up and fight back, how could I let something so silly take over. This is not to say I dont have little blips and Im still having trouble getting out but Im fighting back and feel Im pushing the panic further back. I win daily battles, the wars not over yet but I feel confident that peace may soon be declared...well I live in hope it will!
Take care,

18-09-10, 13:35
Hi Wendy, i do understand where your coming from, we seem to think that we will get over this but everyday everynight we seem to suffer, we try the things people tell us to try like deep breathing Relaxing, but to be fair it seems to make me worse, i push myself i go for long walks and see if i feel better, well Anxitey is a nasty thing to have and its like an illness that wont go.
When we think about it and i mean think about it, we are here everyday and still feel the same dont we? we havnt died we havnt been to be found out that we have somthing worse, so what does this show and mean? Anxitey right, but its understanding the Anxitey, what ive done is made Anxitey my best friend i let it play games with me i know its hard i know i will feel weak, but the more we let it become our friend the less the symptoms become, i do get really bad some days but my main concern is the racing heart, but ive had so many tests and show nothing, well i really hope you get better im here for anyone, God Bless Ian x

18-09-10, 13:42
I try the walks the breathing,the councilling and the meds...last time 10 years ago i read claire weekes saved my life i used to invite the panics and they stopped...
But this time it came back knocked me for six!!! its the thoughts im scared of because i never had these last time which makes me question am i sane?...plus this time ive got 3 children 10yrs ago i only had one.My son has medical problems which the doctor says may have pushed me over the edge because i went on auto pilot when he was diagnosed 4yrs ago..My husbands had to give up work to help me,which in turns makes me feel like a victim...This time is 100% worse than before and scared it will never go..
Does anyone else feel this?x

18-09-10, 13:46
Wendy im with you on this this is what im like, what new symptoms do you have? i will tell you mine ok..Heart racing, Tingling feelings, Off balance when ever im walking or Standing feels like im being pushed. pains in the just most days, do you get these Wendy x

18-09-10, 13:55
Ian i do get spacey feelings,my heart doesnt race to much now im on propanolol..i do get dizzy last night was bad and chest pains...they used to be regular my fear was heart attack as it runs in my family that used to be the thought in my head..Im on seroxat to have been sice 10yrs ago.Are you on meds ian...do you ever feel like your not conected to the world?x

18-09-10, 14:03
Wendy im not on Meds no, i wont take them as i fear them, but i know this Anxitey came out the Blue it can go back the same way and it will in time, yes i feel like im not conected to the world, its not a nice feeling i also hate it when people look at me as if there is somthing wrong with me, ive also loast weight from 11 Stone to 9 and a half Stone i also look Gaunt in the face, now thats another worry, the thoughts that go through my mind do i have Cancer do i have an illness that no one has picked up on, are the Doctors just telling me im ok as they cant be botherd anymore with me? do you see where im coming from, it feels that your all alone with this and no one seems to want to help, xx

18-09-10, 14:12
Yep totally the doctors look at me like im off my head which makes it worse...im seeing a pyscotherapist he just says 'nobody can reasure you your not going mad,only yourself'..which doesnt help and then he says 'what do you want from life'..so i say to be rid of anxiety..he says thats not a answer...so im confused...
Illness used to be my worry to ian to now its shifted i wonder if other people have that to??x