View Full Version : Here is a Question

18-09-10, 13:58
Ok here goes, Ok most of us have Anxitey ok, we dont understand it do we but why do we keep asking for reassurance? why do we keep asking our Doctor why do we go to the Hospital? Why do we ask People on here? Does it really make us feel better knowing other people suffer like we do? Does it make us Stop worrying? Why do most of us Google? Why dont we believe what a Doctor or Hospital tells us? Now this isnt for all of you as most of you do understand its Anxitey but there are loads of us that dont. If there was a cure how much would you pay? I tell you what ive spent just over £700.00 on books, and im still here....

I would love to know if anyone can answere these Thanks Ian

18-09-10, 15:12
My feeling on this is that HA is related to OCD. We know someone's already told us we're ok, or that the chances of us having something are low but we are compelled to ask the same question again and again. It's obsessive compulsive. I have other OCD traits too so it makes me even more inclined to think that in my case it may be connected. All the self checking behaviours are so similar to OCD too and they only feed the anxiety and lead to more checking. I've been trying really hard for the last day and a half to STOP CHECKING...I've cut out all the checking behaviours and do you know what?...today I feel a lot better. It's not easy...I'm desperate to go and check my body for signs and symptoms but I'm forcing myself not to. I'm not going to ruin today by going to the mirror and checking my mouth. NO WAY. xxx

18-09-10, 15:19
i think if we know others feel as we do it makes us feel better knowing its not just you suffering the hell

18-09-10, 15:29
I agree gypsywomen...but do some of you think to yourselves how come i can give advice to others and not take my own advice..because i do this alot..x

18-09-10, 15:41
Yes wendy, you are right....I do that all the time. I get pleasure out of trying to advise and help other people with anxiety, but just struggle with my own.

I think the only answer about why we do all the things Ian mentioned is because THAT is the nature of anxiety. You cannot rationalise or give answers to anything about it, and even if you have seen a doctor a hundred times over, you are anxious so keep worrying despite what is said.

Personally, I don't get any pleasure in knowing others suffer, but it is not about that, it is about a kind of comfort (misplaced or not) in knowing you are not a crazy person alone in the world with all your horrible feelings, but one of many others experiencing the same as you. It is human nature to want to find some solace in sharing with other like minded people isn't it?

It is infinite the amount of money that I would pay not to have anxiety. A friend of my Dad who suffers with it once told my him that he would rather break both legs than suffer anxiety and I share that sentiment wholeheartedly.

18-09-10, 15:50
I agree not that id want broken legs but its something u can see and can be fixed...anxiety is not like that.I dont like to see people suffer either but it makes you know your not alone,i try to help to because if i can help someone feel better and ease their suffering at least something good is coming out of it x