View Full Version : Need someone by my side :(

18-09-10, 20:51
I wish i had a partner in life to help get me through this. I hate going through this alone, living alone makes it so much worse because your in a empty home and for me affects me so much more. When you are having ill feelings and dont feel right, to me would be so much better to talk to your other half about it and just be with them to help get you thru it. Just having yourself makes it more difficult i think.

I have been single the last 2 years and it has suxed as i am 29 now :S. Just have been dealing with this anxiety constant feeling thou the last couple of months and being home alone with noone to talk to doesnt help.

I dont even know how to go about getting out and trying to find someone with this problem i have. How can i expect anyone to accept i have this. I consider myself a fit healthy decent looking guy lol (sound gay when i talk about myself so i try to refrain from it lol) so i know i could get with someone but i just dont know where to begin.

Is there anyone else out there that wishes that had a significant other and finds being alone and dealing with this a lone much worse? I just know if i had someone by my side i could cope a lot better i think since it always feels better to talk about. I just wish i had someone :( this lonely place sucks.

19-09-10, 00:06
I live by myself also. I do have a friend (an ex-boyfriend) who moved out about a hear ago because I asked him to. He had lived with me for 4 years and did not help out financially and was very uncommunicative. We have remain friends, but my counselor feels that he is unhealthy for me and that I would move along fast through this anxiety if I did not spend as much time with him. I do have a son who lives close by which helps. But I do know what you mean - I wish I had a spouse, someone who could help give me support emotionally and who I would do the same for. It is scary sometimes, particularly at night alone.

19-09-10, 02:03
One of the difficult things I've come to realize is that anxiety is terribly unattractive. I've lost more than one relationship (in my opinion) to my anxiety, and while I'm in a relationship now, it has put terrible strain on it.

I have ocd, and it makes it so that I can't watch certain things on tv or listen to certain songs. I don't envy my gf for having her life so restricted by my issues.

There needs to be a dating site for people like us, just so everything is out there from the outset. It would be pretty great to have some who is fighting the same battles as me.

paula lynne
19-09-10, 11:38
Just wanted to say hi Jay, and welcome from me. Do you have any support groups in your area? Maybe your doctor could advise you..it would be good for you to meet others face to face with the same problems maybe...Im so sorry you feel alone, sometimes we have to wait for the right person to come along who deserves us, and understands us, and loves us unconditionally. xx:hugs::welcome:

19-09-10, 12:16
I'm not sure having a partner or somewhere there would necessary be a good thing or provide some of the answers. I think there is the danger of becoming reliant on someone, a cushion as it were where we could offload some of our anxieties and not deal with them ourselves.

I know I have had boyfriends where I have dome that and its done me no favours at all as they give them back when we split up. Thankfully I have a partner now who will support me, but wont shoulder any of my anxieties but gives me strength and help to deal with them myself. Apart from when he's 'bullying' me into going out when I want to stay at home and feel 'sorry for myself'

I really do think good friends, and a strong support system is fair better than a spouse!