View Full Version : I'm so dissapointed

18-09-10, 23:14
I just want to go home - but I know that will mean leaving my flat, walking to the bus stop, waiting for the bus - all on my own, and something awful could happen, and noone would realise. I can't stop crying I want my mum, I thought I would be ok being back here at uni but I'm not, and the thought of doing anything fills me with panic, even going to bed or going through to the kitchen. I dont think my flatmates like me, they have all gone out and left me here, I've got a really sharp pain in my chest too when I breathe in, I'm so scared and I feel like I'm stuck here, I can't go out or anything because I'm so worried. I'm thinking of phoning nhs direct tommorow, will they help? or will they be angry with me for wasting their time?

18-09-10, 23:20
People have said it would go away once I am back at uni as I am "attention seeking" and seemingly once noone gives me attention it will disappear but noones paid me the slightest bit of attention since I got here and it hasnt gone yet so Im confused.

18-09-10, 23:25
Hey it's ok we have all been accused of attention seeking as anxiety is an illness others cannot see.
maybe call the samaritans? I think it's a free phone, but they will also call you back on your mobile!
do you have any online friends you could maybe skype call just for someone to chat to?

if your not happy in your flat is there anything you can do about that?

i know the feeling being almost too scared to move and feeling so terrified and getting sensation/symptom after symptom :-(
its made sooooo much worse too when your with out support x

18-09-10, 23:30
do you have anything relaxing like scented candles or lavender?

18-09-10, 23:34
Ive got some lavendar air freshner stuff might spray a bit into air. See if it helps. I have texted a couple of friends but no reply, would phone my mum but shell be in bed now :-\

18-09-10, 23:44
It'll just take time to settle. These things are always unfamiliar. Check out what I said on the previous thread.

18-09-10, 23:52
hi daisy,i had same problem recently and phoned nhs direct ,they were going to send someone round to my flat in 8 hours becuase unfortunately they dont consider panic or anxiety an emergency ,i waited and no one came ,i know exactly what ur going through hun ,my mum had to come from ireland to me cos i wouldent or should i say couldent leave my flat .The day after i rang nhs direct i went to a out of hours surgery near me as it was a sunday and the doctor gave me some valium until i went to my own gp who then prescribed me seroxat that i know take daily,im waiting to get cognitive behaviour therapy and then slowly come off the meds ...feel free to send me a private msg ,and i will send u my msn details if u want to chat,i know how awful it is going through what u are going through,every minute feels like an hour ,things will get better xxx

19-09-10, 03:33
hope your feeling a bit better....
my anxiety is bad too tonight and my chest is so tight I'm wondering when it will all just stop.
I find my anxiety is much worse at night.
if you have a laptop maybe go onto the chat room, or play some online games?

see your doc as it might be helpful for you if you got some sedatives just to help when ever you get a bad night like this. It doesn't help in the long run but a tablet now and again is ok x

19-09-10, 03:43
Hi Daisy. Yes, join the chat or just look for someone online to talk with.
I am a mom myself of a college daughter, so I just want to come and hug you.:hugs: Here it is.
The bubble game is a good distraction.
I'm sorry all your flatmates are out. And no you are not trying to get attention. Often those who don't understand think that.

19-09-10, 18:20
Thank you everyone, you are all being so nice. I managed to speak to my flatmates tonight and they're all really nice, friendly girls. I even went to the shop - twice - on my own. Albeit it's a five minute walk from my flat but its a start isnt it! I then went on to cook my lunch and tea, so maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have to stop worrying about sudden death syndrome though, I'm away to phone my GP tommorow and ask for help...

19-09-10, 20:55
aw thats nice you talked to them and they were friendly after all! :-)

20-09-10, 18:04
delighted to hear your feeling a little better daisy ,every little step u make is a great achievement ,be proud of yourself :)