View Full Version : I have very bad panic attacks. Help!

19-09-10, 04:31
I was told I have very server panic attacks. I have been to my doctor. I have been to the ER also 3 times. All my doctor told me was I have a bladder infection and Bacterial Vaganosis. She said I am a little anemic. I do suffer from panic, depression and delusions.

I told her my fingers turn blue and my veins are very blue to. Sometimes my hands get puffy and real white looking. I really do not think this is normal. I do have problems breathing sometimes, or heart palputations, or heart racing. I read the symptoms of being anemic and I have most of those symptoms. I was told I am a little anemic. Sometimes it feels like there is a band around my head, or arms. I get told it's panic attacks. I asked my doctor to do a circulation test and she would not give me that kind of test. Said I don't need it. Well, then why are my fingers turning blue? I told her all of what I am saying here. I keep getting dizzy spells and it feels like I'm going to pass out. I am real tired a lot. I just want to go to sleep all the time.

I keep looking at other people's hands to see if it's just me. I look at my hands at least 30 times a day, so I am well aware of all the color changes in my hands in fingers. Sometimes my hands wil get a blotchy red. I am not too hot, or cold. I am fine that way.

My veins really bulge out but maybe that is normal. I don't think having my skin turn blue, just in my fingers is normal, is it? I know the breathing is prob panic attacks. Sometimes just as I about to fall asleep I get a shocked feeling in my chest and wake up.

I don't think all of this could be panic but if it is please tell me. Thanks!

19-09-10, 04:40
Hi Pettygil

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-09-10, 05:04
Hello fellow USAer and welcome to our world.
Maybe try another dr. I can understand you are frustrated.
My veins look bluish under the skin. That seems normal. I would ask for the blood work copy to see your iron levels and anything else. Are your fingers always blue or just sometimes?

19-09-10, 05:16
Hello fellow USAer and welcome to our world.
Maybe try another dr. I can understand you are frustrated.
My veins look bluish under the skin. That seems normal. I would ask for the blood work copy to see your iron levels and anything else. Are your fingers always blue or just sometimes?

Thanks for the Welcome. I am going to keep this short but I will be back later. I am really tired right now and this has been going on for about a week. I am very dizzy and need to lay down, before I pass out.

Ya, sometimes my fingers turn bright blue, or the palms of my hands will turn very, very white, or turn a blotchy red color. I never know what color my hands will be, but not always blue, just sometimes, esp after I get out of hot shower. My hands wil be very blue in color, or white. The skin is a blue color, not just my veins, though my veins can turn a bright blue color. My hands can be very puffy to. Just sometimes. My hands look fine to me now. A little white but that is all. My hand color always changes. Well off to bed now. Thanks for the response.

paula lynne
19-09-10, 11:30
Welcome you will gets lots of support here sweety. Keep us posted on how youre doing x:welcome:

Fly away Katie
19-09-10, 18:43
Welcome to NMP love x x x x x

19-09-10, 19:27
Hi Pettygil, when I first started having panic attacks 5 years ago, the first thing that I did every time, without fail, was look at my hands :( I would say to my boyfriend, look they're turning blue! My nail-beds also look purple most of the time, especially when I haven't been doing much exercise etc... I put it all down to my hyper-vigilance, and hyperventilation :( Do you eat well and regularly? If you don't it can put your blood sugar levels out of balance, and cause all kinds of problems..... Good luck x

19-09-10, 23:19
I'm not doing well today. I have been shaky all day long and my heart keeps racing. I am ok, but othertimes I can hardly hold on to anything. It's been on and off all day long. My hands look ok for now, I've been checking. It feels like I ran a race but I haven't. I'm not as dizzy today but I hate the heart racing. I'm trying to breath wih my hands over my nose. I read that is supposed to help.

I'm shaky inside my body. It feels like my legs and body is shaking from inside.

I have been to the ER with very rapid heart rate, but I was told it was panic, that was the last time I was there. Also my vision was very blurry. I couldn't see anything. Doc just gave me som Xanx. LOL. Well it helped some.

I also wash my hands all the time. I don't want to get germs, or poison. I wash my hands if I touch anything, it doesn't matter what it is. I touched my bed, so I must wash my hands. I touched my clothes, so I must wash my hands. I have very clean hands.

Also when I rinse dishes I must rinse a plate at least 20 times. I have to make sure all the soap is off the plate, or glass. On the bright side my dishes are well rinsed.

I used to have people test my smokes because I thought the smokes were contaminated. So I would go around and say "Smoke this cigg and please tell me if it's ok to smoke". I don't do that anymore. I used to be that bad, and with food to. Here taste this pizza, make sure it doesn't have anything weird on it. Again, some of it went away. I'm not quite as bad, right now.

paula lynne
19-09-10, 23:23
Try re-breathing into a paper bag hunny x:hugs:

19-09-10, 23:31
Try re-breathing into a paper bag hunny x:hugs:

I would but I don't have any paper bags on me. I have trash bags though, would that work?

19-09-10, 23:37
I will at times get the blotchy red appearance.

paula lynne
19-09-10, 23:37
as long as they are paper..never use plastic as it gives of gases as it warms through your breath...so as long as they are paper its fine x:)

20-09-10, 19:27
I contacted my doctor today. She wants to see me right away tomorrow. My left hand is freezing cold and it looks blue. Also, there is a back dot on my finger, when I rub it, then the black dot goes away, then the black dot comes right on back, and it's not a pen mark. I'm very dizzy at times, very tired and not very hungry. Sometimes my hands go ghostly white on me, it really looks freaky. I also noticed a small lump on my hand. I go to the doctor tomorrow, but she said they want to see me right away.
I hope it's not too serious.

21-09-10, 14:30
I'm so scared because when I got out of the shower my skin color was really blue on my fingers. I hope I'm ok. I will know soon, as I am seeing my doctor today, wish me luck. I'm really dizzy to at times and I'm very tired. I just hope this isn't something too serious. I am shaking bad to. I hope I don't have to go into the hospital for a stay. If I do not come back for awhile you all will know where I am, lets hope I don't have to go.

paula lynne
21-09-10, 14:40
as long as its paper, not plastic xxx:)

21-09-10, 16:23
thinking of you and hope to hear from you very soon xxxxx you know wot though...i know hospitals can be a scary place but they are wonderful and if there is a problem they will sort it xxxxxx