View Full Version : Been a long time.

19-09-10, 06:25
Hello all,
Not used this site in a while, so thought I'd check in and let you know how I was doing. It's been almost 6 months since I had my first panic attack. I now haven't had a panic attack in months. Only experience mild anxiety symptoms if I'm very tired or if I've been drinking vodka/rum/certain energy drinks (Monster is horrible!!) the night before. Still have some pressure and dizziness in my head and occasional visual disturbances if I look for them, but nothing like I had before.

Basically, all of my symptoms are slowly fading away... And I've managed it with NO meds and by getting on with my life. Doing most of the things I used to do (except the stupid things that got me in this mess. ie drugs and partying too hard). Plus, working out regularly, taking up new hobbies (visiting ruins. hill walking. Also love baking cakes now lol.), staying away from the PC(!!) and generally just remaining positive. Also, personally, I found Meg's suggestion of having a low GI diet helpful too.

I do think I've changed it a lot. The period when I was having severe panic attacks 2 or 3 times a day really changed me. I think I aged about 10 years mentally, emotionally. In some ways it made me grow up and I'm glad for that. It's made me grateful for what I have Ie. a relatively healthy body and my sanity.

Im going for an MRI on Saturday (the 25th) due to my tinnitus, not for my anxiety. Quite nervous, but nothing I can't handle. My ex actually wants to come with me, so it's helped in unexpected ways (we weren't talking for a while and we've reasoned that there may be a future for us when we're both not so busy).

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm ok and doing well. Thanks for all the help and support you gave me when I was suffering the worst. For those of you still suffering, please remain positive. Learn to let go if you can. Do the things you want to do in spite of your anxiety. Always remember, anxiety and panic can be completely eliminated from your life!! It's never too late...

19-09-10, 21:12
It's lovely when people take the time to come back and let us know how they are getting on, I'm really glad that things are going well for you.

Take care :flowers:

20-09-10, 13:14
I echo Ladybirds post :-)