View Full Version : hello to you all

19-09-10, 11:32
Hiya im 43 years old and have suffered panic attacks for the last 15 years on and off, im due to go for an ultrasound next sunday and im dreading it as i have a real fear of hospitals but know i have to go as im in a lot of pain. I just feel despair :weep:

19-09-10, 11:33
Hi bettyrubble

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
19-09-10, 11:34
Hi Betty A big welcome to you, youll find lots of support on this site and make some good friends along the way. x:welcome:

Hazel B
19-09-10, 11:46
Hi and welcome. I had an ultrasound in June, it is not invasive and does not hurt at all. They put some jelly on your body which may be a little chilly but that's it. If you are in pain, you know logically that it's the right thing to do to get any diagnosis but I know it's still a worry, especially if you don't like hospitals. I always feel safe in a hospital, as I think "the life-savers are nearby", I had a bone disease when I was little and they did save me so I guess that's why.
Could you try distraction whilst you wait: take an iPod/book/crossword/knitting/friend?

19-09-10, 12:29
Welcome, Betty. I too had an ultrasound a few years ago and it was exactly as Hazel described it. You will be fine but I can understand your anxiety as I experience it too. There are so many lovely people on here, so do stay around.


Fly away Katie
19-09-10, 18:40
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

19-09-10, 18:44
hello betty

margaret jones
19-09-10, 20:13
Hi Betty welcome to this fantastic site you will find lots of very friendly and helpfull people .