View Full Version : Feel like such a failure, been signed off work again!

19-09-10, 12:25
I've been signed off work again due to panic attacks and general anxiety. This is the 3rd week I've been off now, and don't feel anywhere near ready to go back.

The last time I was off was about 2.5 years ago, and I was off for a few months. The first time was 4.5 years ago, which was the first time I'd suffered from this and I was off for nearly 6 months that time.

I just feel so pathetic and that I can't hold my job down. I think my employers are fed up of me being off sick as it causes inconvenience for everyone else.

Has anyone else had time off like this?

19-09-10, 12:36
Yes I have, I've just had three days off and am due to go back tomorrow. For me, this bout of anxiety began with a cold and cough, to which I responded with panic, so my employers think that my cold/cough is the reason. But I get cross with myself to think that I couldnt say to them what it really is.

But please hear me, you're not a failure at all...you are someone who suffers anxiety and you do so well when you're not going through it. All sickness, whatever it is, causes inconvenience to employers but we are all human and we will all become ill in some way...it has always happened and always will. You are the important one in all this, not your employer.

Huge hugs


19-09-10, 16:26
Yep, I've been signed off since May, although I did go in for a month, but I'm now signed off till October 16th. Yes, I think my employers are fed up, but I'm ill! And you know what? My health is infinetly (sic!) more important than what my work think.
I'm not going back in order to get sick again which is what happened.
As my counsellor and doctor has said to me, I must concentrate on getting myself better and work has to take second place, and whilst I'm stressing about work I wont get better!

19-09-10, 16:34
You are not a failure. You are someone who genuinely needs time off work. Anxiety is an illness like any other. The very fact that you feel guilty about being off shows what a conscientous person you actually are. I'm sure your employers know that you are genuinely ill as they will know what sort of a person you are by now. Workplaces the world over are full of schemers who are off at the drop of a hat for no particular reason and don't give two thoughts about it. My workplace is top of the list!! Concentrate on looking after yourself because your work will be there for a long time yet. Be kind to yourself and put yourself first for once!!:hugs:

Hazel B
19-09-10, 17:16
I have been off work with anxiety for 2 weeks, seeing my GP tomorrow and will ask for more time off. I do feel a bit guilty to let work down but at the end of the day, our health is more important, we need to be well to do justice to our jobs.
You are not a failure, would you think that if you had a broken leg? Please take things at your own pace.

19-09-10, 19:06
Don't be so hard on yourself. As Hazel said, it may not be something tangible as a broken leg, but its something equally dehabilitating, you and your GP know what is best for you and rushing back is not the solution. xxx

23-09-10, 09:06
im thinking the same do i have time off or not, i hate havin time off as i feel like a failure,

suppose health more important,

23-09-10, 09:32
Ive had 8 weeks off and im handing my notice in tomorrow because i cannot go back the thought of it makes me ill.

23-09-10, 09:38
oh my loves...working is oh so hard...sharon i will pm you later ok xxxx

i have to tell my employer that i am having a rough time!...i hope and pray they understand...i am oh so scared.

as we say though ...our health is so more important.

much love 2 u all xxxxx