View Full Version : How to control this phobia/fear? (ladies please)

19-09-10, 15:53
I had an operation at the end of December to remove a pregnancy that hadn't developed. Since then I have suffered with a bleeding phobia, I am sorry to post about this again but I really need some advice or sharp talking to, lol!

My perods were very heavy after the op, I went on the pill but it didn't agree with me so GP advised I come off it. I came off it in July, had my first period a couple of weeks ago, I coped ok, a tad nervous at times but got through it. It wasn't as heavy as they were after the op which was a relief.

I have noticed since though that I am on edge alot of the time, esp weekends which I hate:blush: I worry I may bleed between periods (heavily) and not be able to cope with it, what if I ever had bleeding between periods, how would I cope??? What would happen??

I know it is probably a very irrational though but it worries me alot. It comes and goes really, but has got alot worse in the last 2 weeks:weep:

Any words of wisdom?

I am 31, I have 3 children and I just want to move on and get over this fear of heavy bleeding. I hate my periods now, they do scare me but I am praying slowly I can overcome that and not worry. I never worried in the past, I just got on with them and accepted them for what they were, but now I have this fear on top:weep:

19-09-10, 16:06
larna i too had a fear about bleeding due to having an heamorrage when i had my daughter i needed a blood transfusion and for a while after i dreaded my period coming as i was constantly anxious but it does get better and last year i started bleeding between periods which after test turned out to be hormonal so 4 months ago i had the marina coil fitted but had loads of problems with it so took it out myself and had a big hormonal bleed which made me frightened but i managed so now baqck to erratic and heavy painful periods till i see my gyno soon but it does get better and also you can get tablets to slow your bleeding down hope this helps x

paula lynne
19-09-10, 16:17
hi hun could you perhaps see your gp or gynaecologist for reassurance?? x:hugs:

19-09-10, 17:18
Thank you both.

I have seen my GP, there's nothing physically wrong with me, it is a phobia I have to control they say.

Hazel B
19-09-10, 17:24
It's good that you saw the GP to ask for advice and get reassurance that nothing is physically wrong. Also, make sure you have enough iron in your diet, so you know logically that you are taking care of yourself. I think the thoughts have started since your trauma and loss, and you can get help in dealing with anxious thoughts. You do know how to cope, it's just that anxiety tricks our minds into forgetting all our coping techniques.
Best wishes.

19-09-10, 21:31
Thanks Hazel.

I do have good days, then bad. Today was just a bad day I guess, not nice but I have to fight those thoughts.

It is so hard to talk to people who have never suffered anxious thoughts. Thank you for replying.

Hazel B
19-09-10, 21:35
I wish a much better week for you sweatheart, I'm struggling with anxiety myself, but we get through every day somehow.
Be kind to yourslef and remember the doctor has told you not to be worried. x

20-09-10, 03:27
Thank you Hazel. Hope you're ok x

20-09-10, 07:14

I am the exact SAME! I have this irrational fear of bleeding to death every single month. I am a wreck at least a week before my period, I am constantly asking everyone if it's possible for a woman to bleed to death from your period. I know how silly it sounds, but it's a real fear of mine. I am due to start soon, and I am a complete mess! I really don't know if mine will get better, it hasn't so far....and at times it seems as if it's worse.

I bled between periods went to the Emergency room and they did every test, and ultrasounds imaginable...all came back fine. Yet I still convince myself every month that I will bleed to death over my period!

All I can do for you hun is listen to your fears cause I have the same ones. Here's to getting through this the best we can ! :hugs:

21-09-10, 07:13
Oh Tina I feel for you.

Do you know what may have triggered your fear? Are your periods heavy?

Mine are quite heavy, where I can actually feel it gushing out of me when I stand:( Not a nice feeling.

21-09-10, 07:47

I really don't know what triggered it for me, other than I do have Health Anxiety. Yes, my periods are very heavy which doesn't help my fears at all! I lie down as much as possible during the first few days, because i'm terrified of moving (if that makes any sense).

22-09-10, 16:02
Yes, i can relate to that.

With me it's that i worry over every ache, pain, change down below that i may bleed:(((( At any point during my cycle, it's ruining my life at times.