View Full Version : they are back!

19-09-10, 18:00
Hi, I'm Teresa and I haven't had a panc attack for 7 years until this afternoon. My first reaction - get back on that site they will help you.:weep:

19-09-10, 18:01
Hi Tessie28

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
19-09-10, 18:15
Hi Tessie you are not alone in this x:hugs:

Fly away Katie
19-09-10, 18:29
Welcome back, you are definatley not alone x x x

19-09-10, 20:41
Thank you everyone,

I was a member a long time ago [maybe 7 years] when I first had problems following a broken wrist and a failed intubation. Over the months both got better and I was well supported here.

I am a teacher so have only been back at work a couple of weeks. I don't know where it came from I woke up with it after a nap this afternoon. At least I was very quick to recognise it but it took me at least 15 minutes to stop the awful sweating and drop the grey face! I was not feeling particularly well [cold] or happy [child with emotional problems getting in my head]. I won't go to work tomorrow but will go check out blood pressure etc with my doctor [I have high blood pressure]. For now I am just soooo weepy and useless feeling.

Why now?


paula lynne
19-09-10, 20:47
M.O.T at the gp sounds like a good idea, see if you are coming down with something? Im so sorry after all this time, theyre back. Dont give up.x:hugs:

19-09-10, 21:46
Hi Teresa, you're obviously feeling a bit stressed again, but you've come through it before and will do so again. :hugs:

20-09-10, 09:24
hi everyone,

well I got through the night without another one! Am all set to go to the doctor now and trying not to think about school. The silly thing is in the last 7 years I've had many stressful times but no panics?

Thanks again,

20-09-10, 11:09
Hi everyone,
back from the doctors who is convinced that this is a storm in a tea cup! I hope he is right. He thinks that I have got myself rundown and then emotional and so on. Do people have one offs? I don't know.

We had a great chat [he is the best GP you could hope for] and he thinks we need to consider my working situation in the long term [I am 51, husband is 65 and retired]. I agree on that one.

Well anyway if he is right I will be very happy. Certainly my tummy is starting to settle down.

cheers Teresa:winks:

21-09-10, 17:45
At work today. no problems except feeling very tired - not sleeping very well for fear of another one!

Hazel B
21-09-10, 18:04
Hello, that's good news, let's hope it's a blip, great that you have a good GP.

21-09-10, 18:24
Thanks Hazel, hope you are okay.

Hazel B
21-09-10, 18:28
Have had 3 years of awful incidents, now on week 3 of sick leave with anxiety but trying all I can to heal. Thanks.

21-09-10, 21:03
Hi Hazel, I hope things get better for you soon. I think sometimes you have to step back from the world of work and take care of yourself first. Speaking of which my headteacher has been watching me today to see if I have grown two heads!!! However, it didn't stop her arranging a meeting with me to replace the one I wasn't at yesterday due to the stressssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hazel B
21-09-10, 21:05
Thanks. Never mind anyone else for now, look after yourself! x

21-09-10, 21:06
Take care and try to get a good night.x