View Full Version : Yet another relationship over..

19-09-10, 18:29
I posted last week about how good thing where going for me, well that just shows how things can change in so little time. This time last week I was at the start of a very exciting relationship with a beautiful girl but over the weekend I found she is moving back to her home in south Asia. I was gutted but after a talk we finished. She asked if I would come over with her but I refused, told her I couldn’t due to work. The thing is I would love to but since my anxiety I have never been on a plane or far from home I just know I’d be a wreck.

How many relationships is this anxiety going to wreck for me I’m so sick of it......

Has anyone else let their anxiety/panic ruin relationship?

20-09-10, 11:06
It can cause a huge strain on relationships it's true - but that doesn't necessarily doom them to failure! It can be difficult at times, but if anything i think my relationship has been strenghened since my anxiety set in. After all, if we can cope with that, we can cope with anything!

20-09-10, 20:00
Hi SDP sorry to hear your news,
I don't think I have let anxiety ruin any relationships but partners may have. It can sometimes just be too overwhelming or limiting for partners to live with. I had to walk out on my last one after nine years. She was quite a bit younger & things had taken off for her to the point that she said I had started to hold her back. I still didnt blame the limitations of anxiety though as to me it still came under just wanting different things.
Nothing I could do about it but set her free. I have enough to deal with without the guilt of not being able to do more.
We can only be ourselves & hope to meet someone happy with that. People I know without anxiety still seem to be able to find enough problems to cause relationships to end.
At 45 I have wondered if it is just not viable for me but I did think that at 32 & still met someone that proved me wrong. It all just starts with a smile or hello I suppose & who knows where that will lead. :)

Hope things pick up for you soon.

20-09-10, 21:17
Hi SDP. I'm sorry to hear about this. I let anxiety ruin my relationships because I get paranoid that no one likes me and I have low self-esteem. But all of us have bad luck in relationships a lot of the time, we have to get back up when we get knocked down and take our time but know that more chances will come along.

I think that could get in the way of a relationship for anybody, being asked to move halfway across the world. Don't blame yourself and your anxiety for it. It's bad timing, that she's moving back.