View Full Version : fealing weard & panicy when i wake up

19-09-10, 18:46
hello everyone sorry to bother you but this realy freaks me out and was wondering if this happens to any of you.....?
basically what happens is if i fall to sleep in the day even if its just for 15 mins i wake up fealing weard and dream like and realy panicy,

it scares me that bad that no matter how tierd i am im terrified to have a little sleep in the day.
i dont often sleep in the day anyway but when my 1 year old had a 1hour sleep earlier and i snuggled up with him and accidently went to sleep then woke up a hour later in a full blown pannic :ohmy:

btw it dont happen when i wake up in the morning.

19-09-10, 19:05
its becuse you are startled into waking uop with a nap and this can cause you to wake up in a panic or jumpy its normal when you suffer with anxiety try to stay calm ,,if you want to have a sl.eep in the day try setting alarm

margaret jones
19-09-10, 20:20
Hi Rachel Like Gypsy says it is because you are suddenly awake from a light sleep please try and have a nap you will benifit from it being a mum of a 1 yr old is very hard work .

I think you wake up and panic because you are a Mum and i bet you feel a little Guilty that you even fell asleep .

Rachel hun try not to worry and just try and enjoy your nap when baby has his .

Take Care have a :hugs:

20-09-10, 21:54
thank you for the replys :)