View Full Version : feels like i am going backwards

19-09-10, 20:54
i have suffered with panic and anxiety for a few years now mainly health anxiety but also general.............. i have before many times thought i was almost over IT .... But i am struggling at the mo its just to hard to keep fighting and i really dont no what to do ..... i guess maybe just writing it all down here will maybe help a little ..... sorry if im rambling just very upset right now... if i could just get rid of one of the syptoms would be this really awfull feeling in my chest ..... its not even a pain really more a feeling of dred right in my chest that just will not go away...... constantly pulling at my bra ( sorry boys ) to ease the feeling but it only eases it for a second..... i just dont no what to do i have had to stop driving beacause the feeling is worse than its been 8 weeks since i last drove i feel such a bloody failure.... i am only on beta blockers having stopped other meds about a year ago during a really good spell... sorry il shut up now just had to get it out my head xxx

19-09-10, 21:14
Hi Nicky26, I sympathise with you. For 5 years now I have suffered terrible panic/anxiety attacks :( I have a strong belief that if we can build up our physical health, that we also help our mental health. What we eat and drink is sooo important to how we cope with the everyday stresses in life. I think the trick is to face it rather than trying to run away from it. I can't take antidepressants, as I have a blood disorder, so I live in fear every day.... Whatever you do, please try not to go back on the antidepressants, as you will be back where you started :( They say it can take years to build the body back up after severe exhaustion or anxiety, but I reckon it's worth a try :)
Have you checked out which vitamins and minerals might help? Life's a struggle, but who told us it was meant to be easy? :)

19-09-10, 21:25
hey nicky iv been down that road me self thinking a my going backwards but to be honest im very sure things will get right for ya cos upto now it has for me so kleep going gal it will happen :yesyes: