View Full Version : Pure terror

20-09-10, 01:08
Just had a nasty anxiety attack thinking about life too much. Feeling scared I'm trapped in this body, trapped in life, questioning everything and now I can't relax and just feel awful. Still scared I'm going insane. Life is strange I think. I feel like I'm losing it.

20-09-10, 07:29
it's horrible when that happens David, you're not losing it, just having a bad one, it'll pass :) Hope you have a better day today

20-09-10, 08:45
Just woken up and still shaky, feeling sick and dwelling on it. I can't seem to stop the thoughts. Anyone else feel like this?

20-09-10, 08:51
I think this is something that happens to all of us with anxiety at some point or other. The most important thing to remember is that if you think you're going mad, you're not. I've got to the stage now where I don't think I'd mind going mad, as I wouldn't particularly be aware of it as I'd lose insight and it wouldn't matter any more.

It sounds as though what you're feeling is derealisation. The things that work for me when I'm feeling like this is doing something that makes me have contact with the outside world in some way, as then I stop being so focussed on what's going on inside myself. Exercise helps as well, as it boosts endorphins, which help you feel better.

Hang on in there. :hugs:

20-09-10, 09:05
Just woken up and still shaky, feeling sick and dwelling on it. I can't seem to stop the thoughts. Anyone else feel like this?

Yes, I have. I know how horrible and scary it is. It will pass but you don't think it at the time, I know! I have just had a 6 day anxiety laden week, I am exhausted. It passed yesterday and today, but I am still feeling the effects. Look after yourself, talk to people, try and distract yourself and if you need to see your GP, then make sure you do. xxx

20-09-10, 11:21
Just can't seem to stop thinking and fearing things too much :(

20-09-10, 14:23
hi there,
Ive felt just like you are, and so have alot of other people, it will pass. I know it feels terrible right now but the more you come to understand anxiety and the symptoms it causes the better you will feel. You will get lots of support on here.

Hazel B
20-09-10, 14:28
It will pass and please do see your GP if you have not been yet. They can help.

20-09-10, 15:15
hi there,
Ive felt just like you are, and so have alot of other people, it will pass. I know it feels terrible right now but the more you come to understand anxiety and the symptoms it causes the better you will feel. You will get lots of support on here.

Yes I am realising that you have to understand why you are feeling these things and understand the symptoms and not to fight them, just let them be and they will then go away at some point. Easier said than done but I know I will get better at that in time.

David - how are you now? :hugs:

21-09-10, 01:28
I'm ok but every time I think about the world, life, death and everything I'm right back where I started.

Just don't know to how cope. I can deal with anything physical symptom wise just nt these thoughts and fears.

21-09-10, 09:13
I'm ok but every time I think about the world, life, death and everything I'm right back where I started.

Just don't know to how cope. I can deal with anything physical symptom wise just nt these thoughts and fears.

I totally understand what you mean. Something physical, is tangible, but thoughts and fears aren't. Hope you are ok this morning and if not, get to see your GP. :hugs:

21-09-10, 10:08
Already seen my gp plenty of times. She says I definitely have neurosis. Eg anxiety. I have sertraline to take but some days I feel so fine I don't want to take them.

I also can't see how pills will stop me thinking of things?

21-09-10, 10:15
Already seen my gp plenty of times. She says I definitely have neurosis. Eg anxiety. I have sertraline to take but some days I feel so fine I don't want to take them.

I also can't see how pills will stop me thinking of things?

I can only talk from my experience (attacks only started 5 weeks ago), my GP put me on 1 x 2.5mg Olanzapine a day. It retrains the brain to stop thinking illogical thoughts. I am taking 2 at the mo as I have had a bad week. Though this bad week started with me not having taken them for almost 2 days, as I had felt fine, thought I could cut down to one every other day. Saw my GP yesterday and she told me that its way too early for me to be skipping tablets, I need to take them every day, even if I feel fine. :blush: Baby steps and all that!

21-09-10, 10:45
we're on the same boat...you wanna be the captain or I? I prefer you...

21-09-10, 19:19
I'm going through the same thing right now, I dwell on the state of my sanity most of the day at the moment and have done for the past two weeks or so. I'm not on meds and on a waiting list for counselling so at the moment I'm just trying to wait it out and let it move on, fingers crossed this is just a short period.

21-09-10, 20:38
hi david
have you ever had c.b.t, its very good for anxiety. The thing is because the thoughts upset you so much that is what is keeping you anxious, its a vicious circle that you can and will get out of with the help of cognititive behavioural therapy and/or possibly medication depending on what your doctors advises.
Basically when you can think the thoughts without attaching so much fear to them, the thoughts will come to mean less to you( become unimportant), now i know its easier said than done but believe me i do know what you are going through. You have to try and just let the thoughts be there without trying to fight them, fighting them creates more tension, more anxiety + more sensitized reaction to the thought. Then more desperately trying to escape from the dreaded thoughts.Hope ive made a little bit of sense.

22-09-10, 02:27
Thanks everyone well maybe I will try these meds then.

Lou I tried CBt and it didn't work for me sadly

22-09-10, 10:14
I do know where you're coming from on this. I'm struggling dreadfully today with the thought that there is no point to any of this existence. I suppose what I'm doing in trying to find the meaning of life and failing, and the failure to find any meaning for it is what's causing the distress.

This is the root of all my anxiety; I wish I could be like the people who have a religious faith, as at least that would give some point to life, but I find religion completely irrational and can't relate to it at all. I guess that I've spent too long with scientists (although I do know some religious scientists and I can't get my head around that).

I also know that unless I can find some sort of meaning to life, no matter how small a shred of meaning that is, I will never have any sort of happiness or contentment. :weep:

22-09-10, 15:02
Hi david,
maybe give the c.b.t another go with a different therapist + theres no harm in trying the medication aswell. Believe me ive been really poorly over the years and sometimes i was frightened i wouldnt get better. Ive been where you are now but am mostly enjoying life at the moment. Ive had the occasional set back but i have got through these moments.
When i was first diagnosed i was so ill i took the tablets and continued to take them for 7 years and if your happy with that then thats ok, i know lots of people who are on medication indefinately and theres nothing wrong with taking something if it helps your quality of life. I eventually decided to try and learn some other coping methods and came slowly off the meds with the help of a clinical psychologist and some c.b.t. Now that was 7 years ago, i now do lots of things i thought i never would, i live a life i thought i never would, dont get me wrong i still have flashes of panic and the horrible unreality feelings sometimes and you know "whats life all about" sort of thoughts but they dont bother me as much as they used to, therefore they dont have as much impact on my life. I hate to see people in that horrid place i once found myself in, you can recover from this.