View Full Version : ellison

20-09-10, 12:35
hi everyone i am new to this website and dont no what i am doing. i have had panic attacks and depression for a long time it comes and goes but over the last couple of days it has come back feel like a looser x

20-09-10, 12:38
Hi ellison

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-09-10, 12:39
Hi Ellison, and welcome :)

20-09-10, 12:56
if your a looser we all are ,so your not ,, you are amoung fellow suffers welcome

Hazel B
20-09-10, 13:14
Hello, you are not a loser, you are somebody with a health problem and we all understand.
Are you getting help from your GP?

20-09-10, 18:02
thanks everyone for giving me a warm welcome still trying to work this site. i am getting help from my gp thought i was getting better but had a bad panic attack today cant work at the mo cant stand to many people could really do with some advice thanks everyone

20-09-10, 18:43
hey there elli, u are not a looser at all, lots of people suffer from same thing, me included. i am new to this site to. but im sure we will find lots of support :) people have been so friendly to me :).

paula lynne
20-09-10, 18:56
Hi Ellison! A big warm welcome to nmp :welcome:Youre not alone x:yesyes:

20-09-10, 19:15
hey there elli, u are not a looser at all, lots of people suffer from same thing, me included. i am new to this site to. but im sure we will find lots of support :) people have been so friendly to me :).

thanks hunter, at least everyone understands each other:)

20-09-10, 19:18
Hi Ellison! A big warm welcome to nmp :welcome:Youre not alone x:yesyes:

Thank u paula :)

20-09-10, 19:24
ur verry welcome elli :). yes we understand each other.

20-09-10, 19:28
thats good. its so good to talk to people that are going threw it

20-09-10, 19:29
hi there, im new too, you are not a looser at all,

20-09-10, 19:31
hi there, im new too, you are not a looser at all,

hi. thank u its just so hard when others dont understand

21-09-10, 11:31
hi all. oh my god i feel really bad today is this ever going to get better ?

Hazel B
21-09-10, 12:18
It does get better, it takes time. Please don't give up.

21-09-10, 15:34
thanks just wish it would go away for good thanks 4 your reply

Hazel B
21-09-10, 15:44
I know exactly what you mean, if only I could have the "old me" back! There are so many ways we can help ourselves, it seems such an effort but it's worth it. I'm on temporary meds and also seeing a counsellor, also trying to walk outside every day, not sleep in the afternoon, listen to calming music and eat well. I'm signed off sick from work so trying to take things easy. I've also tried the deep breathing for when anxiety gets me, have you tried any of these?

21-09-10, 15:49
i have been signed of to. i am on meds and having cbt. all i want to do is sleep cause i cant think when i am sleeping. went for a walk today was hard but i did it u can to. where can u get the cds from?

Hazel B
21-09-10, 16:18
I got some Enya from an online music site, you can also look on sites for download if you have an MP3/iPod. There are also relaxation CDs where someone helps you relax muscles or meditate, I have not used them though. You need to find what you like.
Well done on having a walk, I promise it does you good. Make sure to try and eat well too. CBT is supposed to be really good too, keep fighting you are not alone.

21-09-10, 18:11
i will def look in to the cd think that will really help. i no im not and coming on here has really helped its good to talk to some one that really understands thank you

Hazel B
21-09-10, 18:16
No worries, I know how it feels. Do you have people you trust who can help you?

21-09-10, 18:19
yeah have got great friends and family and a good husband i no it sounds silly but i still feel alone and feel like i am getting them down with me. once i have got something in my head that is it just wish i could get my self out of this

Hazel B
21-09-10, 18:24
It's not silly, you wouldn't say that if you had a broken arm, would you? You just need some time to heal. It's good you have people who love you, they will want to help even if they don't understand.
You seem to be doing all the right things, it just takes time, I am on week 3 of sick leave and all I did at first was cry and worry.
Give it time and be kind to yourself.

21-09-10, 18:31
i have been like this on and off for years.it all starts up again when i have to much to deal with i just cant cope. i had 3 weeks of sick in july and have got this week of one min i feel upset and panic and the next min i am really nasty. How are u feeling now ?

Hazel B
21-09-10, 18:38
Much calmer, thanks. I'm taking beta-blockers. I'm not 100% and not sleeping all the way through the night, but crying and worrying less. I've lost almost 2 stones since April when it all started, but am now eating more and feeling hungry again. I have a gallstone and waiting for surgery, so can't eat a lot of fat as it hurts like hell!
Please be patient with yourself and you will get there.

21-09-10, 18:43
I was on them tablets to. i no want u mean about sleeping not getting to much all i want to do during the day is sleep. hope it all goes well. am here if u need a chat

Hazel B
21-09-10, 18:47
Thanks, you too.

21-09-10, 18:49
will do benn good talking to u thanks again

Hazel B
21-09-10, 19:33
Pleasure, don't worry if I don't reply straight away, especially at at night.
Speak soon!

21-09-10, 19:47
Hello ellison,

I can really relate to the fact you want to sleep as your troubles go away. That is exactly how I felt when I had my first breakdown.

I to felt I was a looser. It is perfectly normal to have feelings like this when you are ill. They are called irrational thoughts. When you get better and you will you will relise that they were just irrational thoughts. It tough I know. You will get better.

21-09-10, 20:11
thank u i am finding that it really helps talking to people that no what its like. Do u find it hard to be around people ?

21-09-10, 20:12
ok take care x

21-09-10, 20:22
Well yes, I find it hard being round people. Especially new people. I have no self confidance. I am Autistic, but im more than capable of talking to new people. Its just this depression im suffering from is holding me back.

21-09-10, 20:42
feel the same i would rather be on my own always worry what people think of me

23-09-10, 16:20
hey there elli, u are not a looser at all, lots of people suffer from same thing, me included. i am new to this site to. but im sure we will find lots of support :) people have been so friendly to me :).

hi hunter hows u today ?