View Full Version : A little about me...Don't feel like I'll ever get better

20-09-10, 13:32
Hi everyone

I'm 32, married with a 10 month baby and have suffered with anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, depression since I was 16. Had it kind of under control with Citalopram until I fell pregnant (alot sooner than expected) and was told by Dr to stop medication immediately. All through my pregnancy I was a nervous wreck but with counselling somehow managed to get through it.

But now It's just awful, have never felt so ill physically or mentally. Have developed health anxiety now as well as an eating disorder and am convinced I have a terminal illness. Surely anxiety cannot make me feel this ill or weak? Finding it hard to get through each day and can't face another day of feeling like this.

Started taking 10mg of Citalopram again 5 days ago but no change yet...is there any hope????

20-09-10, 13:36
Hi shaz14

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-09-10, 13:38
just give meds time it will work ,,and you should feel bit better soon:welcome:

paula lynne
20-09-10, 13:43
Welcome Shaz14 :welcome: you are not alone. xxxxx:hugs:

Hazel B
20-09-10, 13:58
Welcome, you are with people who understand.
The meds can take a while to work, keep trying. And yes, anxiety can make you feel so ill, I have lost almost 2 stones in weight and thought I was terminally ill, which I'm not. It's your mind playing tricks on you.
Take one hour at a time and remember you are not alone.

20-09-10, 18:34
hey there , yes i understand to, i am on same meds, they do take a while to settle in. we tend top think of negative things when we have these panic things. so yeah we can make ourselfs ill, feel ill, and think bad things. i do that to sometimes :( so ur not alone.

20-09-10, 19:01
Thank you all for your kindness. It's good to find and talk to people who actually understand what I'm talking about!