View Full Version : little helped needed

03-03-06, 18:37
hello fine folk,

hope you are all doing really well.......im doing pretty good really but just wanted some thoughts on this if you can spare the time.

for those of you that dont know me i started panicking, anxiety, bit obseessional about 2 years ago after hitting my head and knocking myself uncouncious for about 5 mins.

the thing is, after i hit my head for days after i felt realllllllllyyyyyyy odd, now this is quite common after head injury and is called post concussion syndrome. i had an mri which was clear and told that the odd symptoms would clear with time. But what is also mentioned is that people who have a slightly anxiuos mind, a head injury can give a window of opportunity for a disorder to develop and this is also quite common.

think is due to the fact that symptoms can remain for months after the injury and obviuosly if you are from a anxious background this gives ground for worry.

and guess what i opened that window...and dived right through it!!!!

anyway, for months after the inital injury i couldnt stop looking it up on the internet and panic bacame obsessive.........ive had cbt and this has helped massivey but yesterday i just couldnt get the thought out of my head that i have done some unseen damage to my brain that needs further investigation......its filled my mind for hours and after reading the 12th page of the google search on post concussion syndrome i was so scared i could of cried!!! stories of mild concussions causing suicide and all sorts....you can imagine im sure.

anyway, just wanted your thoughts.....the way ive looked at this today is that if i have done some damage then its only minor and dosent really interfere with things......i still work, can walk and excerisie....and exepect it as a possibility and that perhaps the symptoms im left with are actually just to do with anxiety and not the head injury.....but either way worrying about them wont make them better and that i have felt so much better in the last tweleve months perhaps any intial damage is slowly reapiring itself...which can happen appartently.

the hard thing for me to deal with is that this injury did do something to my brain as it was the knock that set me off...if you see what i mean....and mri scans cant not show small pcokets of damage........i know this allllllllll sounds really odd...lol....but post concussion syndrome is a regonised condtion so im not just making it up....lol

anyway...im rambleing, any thoughts you might have would be appreicted.


your all stars.


03-03-06, 18:48
Hi ya mate,

I think you have really got a handle on this already, it's just that last little whisker of doubt left isn't it.

Well I am sure you will get posts to reassure you on that - meantime good on ya for your progress, you have totally the right attitude.

Love Piglet xx

03-03-06, 18:52
Hey doddy,

Sorry to hear about your injury. Glad to see that you have recovered from it. It does sound like anxiety is present, but at the same time as you've said you are able to function, work, basically get on. Anxiety is such a complex thing, it does bring on the worries and the what ifs, this can be due to your injury, perhaps talking to your doctor would alleviate some of the worries. Let him/her know that you are still concerned about possible damage and that it is beginning to interfere with things. It's so hard to stop the concerns once they are there. I do think that you should be a little happy about the things that you can do. Sounds to me like you are doing pretty okay. Keep it up!


03-03-06, 19:11
hiya doddy, nice to see you again.
Get off Google , lol, easier said than done, I know, if we google we have everything.
You really have done well, sometimes I think as we get to the final bit of recovery stage, all the little last few things crop up, this is prob making no sense at all, lol
you have done so well, long may it continue.:D

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

03-03-06, 19:55
Hi Andy

You have been doing really well and this is just a blip. I agree with Alexis - stop the Googling because it isn't helping you feel any better and is feeding the anxiety.

Keep rationalising to yourself that you have had these fears before and all the evidence points to this not being a serious health problem and due in fact to anxiety.

We all get this minor setbacks. Remember what you have learnt in the past year and use it to help get yourself moving back in the right direction.

You will get through this blip.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

03-03-06, 20:52
Hi Doddy,

I used to Google everyday. When I was told that mercury fillings were to blame for my anxiety and depression, off I set only my little googling journey. The information I found was unbeleiveable. Yes there was evidence that it could play a part and there was also evidence that it could be a factor in causing autism, schizophrenia and all sorts of mental ilnesses. One partuicular story I read has said that a woman had lost use of her limbs after having her dental fillings removed, she suffered some sort of toxic shock. Anyway, this did'nt put me off having the removed and now they are all out. At the moment Im having up and down days. On the down days Im always looking for an answer to why I feel down. This is a daily thought for me at the minute: " Whilst the dentist was drilling at the mercury fillings maybe the merucry vapour was released and it's crossed my blood brain barrier and I'm permanantly damaged for life! Now I can either hold on to this thought or just laugh it off. I know what I'd rather do, otherwise I'll still be sitting here 10 years down the line in the same boat. I think most anxious people are always looking for an underlying cause to their problem but deep down know that it's just anxiety. Hope this as helped and from what I can see your much further ahead on the road to recovery than what I am. Well done, keep it up!


03-03-06, 22:14
just a quick thank you for all the replies.....really kind of you all.

alexis.....ur reply makes perfect sense.....strange thing is after a couple of bad days i actually feel stronger tonight than ever....can see it quite clearly tonight for what it is...just worry and ready for tommorow again now.....o what a strange world we live in.....lol

again...thanks for the replies...you all helped in making me feel so much better.

take care.
