View Full Version : Head rushes

03-03-06, 20:41
Anyone else get head rushes regularly? I get them even when im lying down in bed? My head feels so light! I get them alot at work too?
Why do we get them? Any advice is great.. Thankyou!


03-03-06, 20:56
hi ive had them bad before really horrid feeling my doc says they ar caused by tension fromthe muscles round your head and neck he says they cant hurt u but ar so scary hope this helps marciaxx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

04-03-06, 11:37
i defo get them and i also get it at the back of my eyes. (wierd i know) but dont worry chicken its all in the contents

04-03-06, 11:39
Yes I do and funily enough so does one of my teenage daughters and some of her friends. Though theirs are the sort when you get up too fast.

Love Piglet xx

04-03-06, 14:34
katy did you see what you wrote then love, you see you know yourself darling that its all in the head..

RACHEL do get head rushes though,its all part of the parcel love.. try and get upslowly and just sit there for a few seconds and you will feel better once you do get up, my doc told me that - but i do also get them when i am lying down in bed---i used to feel my head pulse heavy with it to.. so i hope that helps.. thoughts are with you love x

04-03-06, 14:52
Try these

walking funny, head rushes and dizziness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3610)
Head Rush (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4301)
Sounds daft I know, but head shivers! Eh?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3814)


04-03-06, 22:57
I get head rushes all the time, theyre usually caused by low blood pressure, so when you get up it takes a moment for blood to pump its way to your head, so you feel dizzy from the momentary lack of oxygen. If you get up and feel dizzy put your head down between your knees and you should feel better. My mum gets head rushes too, i think low blood pressure runs in familes and its quite common. And dont worry low blood pressure is way healthier than high blood pressure!