View Full Version : Vulvar Cancer???

20-09-10, 19:47
Hello everyone,
I’m currently freaking out about something and I need some support…I’ve had very bad health anxiety for as long as I can remember. I’ve worried about the following things in the last 5-6 years:

HIV (the most major one)
Skin cancer
Heart problems
Numerous other cancers

At the moment I’m worried about vulvar cancer. I’m 21 years old, 22 in December. Several months ago I noticed that I had 2 very small, flat, brown spots on my vulva. You can kinda see through the spots, they are not darkly pigmented. They are not near each other. They don’t feel any different than the skin around them. I have had no itching, pain, discharge or any other symptoms. I do not know how long these spots have been here, they could have been there all my life as far as I know. They look like birthmarks to me, but I’m scared that they are something more than that.

I can’t get to a gyno until early November, but I have a dermatologist appointment for something else this coming Wednesday. I plan on asking my derm about the spots. I’m particularly afraid that they are vulvar melanoma, even though they do not resemble a typical melanoma.

I know that vulvar cancer is generally considered rare and is found mostly in older women, however I’m scared to death. What do you guys think?

21-09-10, 07:21
Hi, Well I had the same fear and have the same spots on my vulva. I went and saw a doctor who brought in a female nurse ( law in australia with a male Dr ). When he had a look he just said they are nothing, just pigmentation. I think back now as my health anxiety is under control and am very embarrassed. I am nearly double your age so I very much doubt you have anything to worry about at all. Take care. :)

21-09-10, 16:38
Hi Adelle,
If you don’t mind me asking, what do your spots look like? How big are they, what shape are they, what color? Your post made me feel better, but I’m still scared. At first I thought they were just pigmentation, then I googled :( Now I’m convinced I have vulvar cancer…

21-09-10, 18:25

I have been worrying about vulval cancer recently too as I found a small lump - the doctor confirmed that it was just a cyst and to leave it alone. With this health anxiety, I always jump to the worst conclusion!!

In reality, vulval cancer is extremely rare (just over 1000 cases in the UK annually and about 3500 in the US). Over 85% of the people affected are over 65 years. Younger people who get it usually suffer from a skin condition known as VIN or have the HPV virus which can be picked up in a routine smear. It is highly unlikely that you have this form of cancer.

I would however recommend that you see a GP as they can check you out and alay your fears.

Good luck and take care x

21-09-10, 19:23
Hi Jo,
I know that it is extremely rare, but that doesn’t stop the worrying…I’m not sure if I have HPV or not, I have a GYN appt. in early Nov. I do have an appt. with my dermatologist tomorrow and want to ask him. I’m just really scared. I have read that people with VIN and vulvar melanoma usually have ulcerated lesions, pain and constant itching. I have had no symptoms, but I know that means nothing.

I’ve been looking up different types of pigmented lesions of the vulva and some of them DO resemble mine, but I don’t know for sure what they are. I will let you know how it goes. I’m so nervous :-X

21-09-10, 22:44
Ok, let me know how you go tomorrow.

Will be thinking of you x

22-09-10, 00:02
if you have a cervical smear does this pick up abnormal results in the vagina?
cause i am worried about vulval cancer, i had an abnormal cervical smear in march and they told me to wait 6 months but would this have picked up anything near the vulva?

23-09-10, 14:08
Hi Ellie,
I’m not sure if a pap would pick up anything on the vulva, I wouldn’t think so. The people that I have read about having vulvar cancer usually had a persistent itch or a sore on the vulva that wouldn’t heal. I think it’s usually diagnosed because someone is inquiring about symptoms.

I did go to my dermatologist yesterday, however he could not check out my spot because he said he needed to have a female chaperone in the room and could only do it during day appointments. So I have an appointment tomorrow at 1. I haven’t had any itching or pain or any other symptoms. I just have this tiny dark spot and I’m worried it’s melanoma or something. I did some research and read about something called lentigo/lentigines and they can occur on the vulva. Mine looks similar to lentigo. I hope that’s all it is…or a birthmark.

Have you had any symptoms?

23-09-10, 14:31
You said you found the tiny spot months ago; so it is definetly not melanoma! It would have changed size/appearance in that amount of time!

I haven't had many symptoms, I itch sometimes but i get reccurrent thrust. of course to me its not thrush though.. it is vulval cancer

23-09-10, 14:57
I read some stories about some ladies with vulvar cancer and they said it itched so bad they would tear their skin up. I bet yours is just the thrush, I just got over a yeast infection, I know how bad the itch is! 3 of my close friends have had abnormal paps and they are fine :) I am about to go for my first one in November so hopefully I can handle that without freaking out. I’m hoping you’re right about the melanoma thing…I know that I normally blow things out of proportion but I’m just so scared about this.

Do you plan on getting checked out for vulvar cancer?

23-09-10, 15:03
I am due for another coloposcopy in a few weeks (they said they would see me again in 6 months time) so I will ask them then what they think I guess..

I shouldnt freak out really because I read VC is just like cervical cancer and that it takes many years to develop through pre cancerous stages.

Good luck with your first pap! When i worry about mine I try to remember that, again, it takes so many years to develop, and that even if pre cancerous cells show up they whisk you in and sort it out before it can even get to cancer. I think cervical cancer only really occurs in people who refuse smears or are refused smears for being too young.. though I may be wrong

23-09-10, 17:23
Hey Ellie,
I agree, I think most cervical cancer occurs in people that never get paps done. They say it is a slow growing cancer and is very preventable. There are 2 types of vulvar cancer-squamous cell circoma (sp?) and melanoma. The SCC one is VIN before it’s cancer, which is abnormal cells. I’m worried about melanoma…I really hope I don’t have it. I’m so scared and I just feel like I’m too young to die :(

24-09-10, 14:23
i thought i had nodular melanoma and i can admit it was one of the worst times of my life so i know what you are going through! i think i have been on every single internet page ever about melanoma.

i know it is hard to listen to others but if it was melanoma it would have grown, look crusty, jagged edges etc. Little spots are nothing to worry about. remember; no googling!

01-10-10, 14:56
Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven’t followed up until now…I was unable to login for some reason.

So my dermatologist told me that my “spot” is “normal anatomy”. He told me it was flesh colored and that’s all it is. I feel kinda stupid….

Thanks to everyone that replied to my post though, it made me feel a lot better :)

03-04-14, 05:00
This is also my current fear.

I've noticed a dark patch on my labia near my anus. It's dark in colour, flat and is not itchy sore etc. I have no idea how long it's been there, in fact if I hadn't gone examining myself I may have never realised it was there.

I have another brown patch further up which is lighter in colour. That's been there
as long as I can remember though.

So anxious