View Full Version : Hello ...

20-09-10, 21:38
Im new to this site. Just looking for someone who understands what Im going through at the mo as everyone I know seems to think the easiest way out of this is 'Get a grip' and Im having a really hard time coping with the way Im feeling. Please someone help me through this???

20-09-10, 21:39
Hi sammyxmh

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-09-10, 21:40
Hiya I know the feeling people tell me to get a grip too if only it was that easy x

21-09-10, 09:44
I know people seem to think I like bieng miserable!
I dunno what to say to anyone anymore I just feel like giving up on everyone cause they just seem to make things harder for me.

Nice name by the way ;)

21-09-10, 10:48
Aw thankyou :) lol x

Fly away Katie
21-09-10, 20:03
Hello, and welcome to NMP x x x

21-09-10, 20:28
hmm. My parents say "get a grip" to me. It hurts I know when people say that phrase, or "stop moping". Really gets my back up when people say this.

Depression/mental illness is not simple. Its not a case of digging yourself out. Meds are helpfull and can make a big differance.

Vanilla Sky
21-09-10, 20:28
H and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

margaret jones
21-09-10, 20:32
Welcome to this fantastic site

eternally optimistic
21-09-10, 21:20
Hello and welcome.

Great start to getting where you want to be, by using this site:)

Best wishes.

21-09-10, 21:23
Hi Sammyxmh,

I am new to this site as well.....so maybe we could help eachother? What is the main problem you suffer with....i suffer with anxiety, and panic attacks, which i am now receiving meds for but also severe self estemm issues....

I am here if you need a chat

Stephie xx