View Full Version : Middle of the night panics

21-09-10, 03:05

After a horrible weekend I thought I was doing okay. I went to bed last night think everything would be fine the next day and now I've woken up with a panic attack. How am I supposed to stop these from happening when they start the second I wake up! I have to get up in 3 hours to go to work - that specific bus journey induces panic in me if I don't get a hold of myself in the morning - then I have to make an even longer set of train journey's in the afternoon, I just don't know how I'm going to cope if I'm still feeling like this in 3 hours :weep: I feel sick and my stomach's going to start bothering me in a minute. I do the breathing but it only helps so much. I don't know what to do...

21-09-10, 04:26
Anyone around? :weep:

I really want to make this journey to see my partner tomorrow, I don't want to be by myself again but I don't know how I'm going to do it...

21-09-10, 06:18
Hi Miniature Disasters, I do know how you feel, my nights are always full of panic. If I don't take a sleeping pill I literally don't get to sleep at all, I just drift, panic, jump out of my bed in terror, run out the room heart pounding..... usually some kind of night terror :( I've only slept for about 2 hours tonight (as usual ) and that's with a zopiclone. It's the most horrific thing that I've ever experienced, and who really understands? Only someone who's going through it I guess. It's very lonely too :( x

21-09-10, 06:24
Are you highly stressed at the moment? Work, homelife? Do you think that you've been over-doing things, and putting too much pressure on yourself? Or could it be hormonal-I wonder what age you are ( are you female?) x

21-09-10, 06:25
Thanks for your reply. It's when my partner's away I find I have the problem. It is very lonely, I hope you find some help with it soon :hugs:Have you tried any relaxation techniques? Got the dreaded nausea now, not sure how I'm going to make it into work.

21-09-10, 06:30
Sorry, just read your second post. Tried to edit mine but doesn't seem to work. I'm 23, work's been a bit busy recently, I haven't noticed any stress but when things are bothering me I tend not to think about them and the stress comes out in other way, like this. Think I just get a bit anxious when partner's away. Have been having panic attacks for about 5 months now, can't pinpoint why. Think I'm feeling a bit stuck. Could almost cope if it wasn't for the nausea :( Make me fear being sick in public (I was once before, through illness not panic). This was around when the panic attacks started so may be related.

21-09-10, 06:32
I've had it for 5 years now, think it's adrenal exhaustion. My partner's here, but that doesn't make it any better :( All the stress has even brought on an early menopause :(
You'll manage, cos you have to :) What choice do we have? x

21-09-10, 06:36
Yes it does sound like the nausea and anxiety are related-guilt by association :( Some people say CBT helps. It changes the way we perceive things, and the negative associations we make.... x

21-09-10, 06:42
I'm meeting for an initial counselling meeting in a week or so, maybe I'll figure something out there. Thanks.

Okay, let's see if I can get dressed and make it to the bus stop...

21-09-10, 06:56
Good luck :) x