View Full Version : Neck pain near the windpipe and pain in the ear, when swallowing

21-09-10, 10:20
I woke up this morning with a pain at the front of my neck, just where my windpipe is and a pain in one of my ears when I swallowed and I know its this type of pain that is in your neck that spreads to your ear at the same time that can sometimes be sinister. It lasted for about 10 minutes and was only whenever I swallowed. Having read so much about Michael Douglas and Oesophagal cancer Im fretting the pain was due to some kind of tumour growing in my throat, and that although the symptom doesnt seem very scary on the face of it that this is an early sign of the disease that most people would dismiss. I kind of know im being a tad dramatic but also think what if it is an early warning and im ignoring it! Plus Ive been reading that the oesophagus is made up of similar cells to the cervix, and I currently have cell pre-cancerous cell changes of the cervix! I dont think my changes could possibly be caused by HPV but I havent actually been given an explanation for them so I guess they could be...

21-09-10, 20:57
I hope this helps but before you got the pain like the day before did you eat anything that needed lots of chewing or sucked sweets - sounds weird I know but it has taken me years to work out that this is my problem - if i eat crusty bread or suck sweets then the next day everytime I swallow I get really nasty pain from side of my throat right into my ear- its only there when I swallow and lasts a few minutes afterwards. First few times I got it over about a year I rushed to Dr and had my throat and ear checked out as its always on same side - I had camera down throat and then camera in stomach checking my oesophagus and throat etc and nothing perfectly normal.

The attacks lasted about 2 days then cleared up and could ge months apart then one day it clicked that everytime this happened I had been sucking hard sweets or chewing crusty bread anything that overuses my jaw. bingo nothing to worry about but very painful.

23-09-10, 00:12
Do not worry - i am sure it is nothing.

It could be TMJ, or even sinus problems. Your jaw and ear are very related, and i am guessing you are very young!

Mouth cancer is for older people, usually smokers, especially of pipes with a history of oesophageal inflammation, and even if you had all those things you still probably wouldn't have oesophageal cancer. Do not worry, you are not dying.

If it keeps bothering you, go to your doctor and they may suggest an xray to look at your sinus' or even a retainer for your teeth if it is jaw related.

Ellie x

19-10-11, 22:31
I have been suffering now for about a month with a very tender neck. Both muscle either side of my throat is tender, and i sometimes get the feeling that someone is pressing on my windpipe. I have been to see my gp twice, who has said it looks like a strain. I do a lot of shouting as i run a kids football team. I can't get the thought of it being something more sinister. Please Help, as this is causing me a lot of stress.


19-10-11, 22:36
I am thinking TMJ , plus you slept funny, the muscles in your neck are connected to the ones in your jaw, so when swallowing it may have added extra pressure on your jaw area hurting your ear?
I get pains in my ear from TMJ .
The pain went away though I am sure if it was something too bad you would still be in pain :hugs: Sorry you got so stressed out on top of everything you are going through x