View Full Version : Is feeling ill a symptom of anxiety?

21-09-10, 15:53
I know I've posted about this before but each time it happens it causes me so much anxiety I just need some reassurance or confirmation that I'm not going mad!
Once a year maybe more, I start feeling ill, my head feels as though it's full of pressure and I feel almost feverish - like when you have the flu. I get dizzy, vertigo, I feel off balance.
I start to feel anxious about these symptoms, worried that it may be something bad coming - somethig wrong with my brain - you know how it goes.....
With the anxiety I begin to feel worse, aching joints, head-ache, more pressure in my head.
I've had this a number of times over the past 10 years and it sometimes last for up to a month. I never feel ill enough to stay in bed, but not well enough to enjoy life.
Sometimes I go to the doctor for a check-up thinking that if I'm given the all-clear, I'll relax and get better. That doesn't happen. I feel relieved that they can't find anything wrong, but the symptoms just keep on coming.
My question is this? Does anyone else suffer from these symptoms?
Is it possible to feel so ill, just from anxiety alone?
Should I be worrying about my health or going for further tests?
I'm so sick of feeling this way and long to feel normal again.

Hazel B
21-09-10, 16:06
Hello, I've copied the symptoms from the anxiety part of the screen on the left:

Trembling, twitching
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty breathing
Sweating, hot flashes
Change in appetite
Frequent need to use bathroom
Startled easily
Lump in throat, difficulty swallowing
Muscle tension
Hope it helps, see the doctor for reassurance but I'm sure it's anxiety.

21-09-10, 16:08
you are not alone, this is how it all started for me. be honest with your doctor about how you feel and dont be scared - i put it off. when i came clean i felt relieved to have said it. be honest.

eternally optimistic
21-09-10, 20:21
Hi Becky

You sound like I did about 3 years ago.

I was put on citalopram for anxiety and that eased my symptoms, although at the time I didnt realise all the physical symptoms were linked.

I do sometimes, and it is very rare, that I feel unwell - which is absolute BLISS.

I have posted quite a few times on this subject and the physical symptoms, like constantly having the flu is absolutely awful, which is an understatement really.

I hope you can get help, whether by meds or some other way and get relief.

best wishes

21-09-10, 23:03
I always feel flu like, been put on Sertraline but I'm finding it hard to see an improvement but then again it's only day 9 for me at around 25mg (halving 50mg but thinking about taking a full one tomorrow, just thinking about it makes me feel ill as i've had bad enough headaches and nausea on half.).

22-09-10, 07:38
Thanks to everyone for replying. It brings some relief just to know that there are others with the same problem. As long as I know it's anxiety causing this I will try to ignore it and get on with my life. It'll go eventually I know.
I still find it so hard to accept that anxiety can cause such strong physical symptoms.

22-09-10, 09:41
Hi had all the same flu like symptoms last week, I was at work and all day I ached everywhere, could hardly keep my eyes open and had a really bad headache and head pressure and felt not with it and like I was going to pass out. Went home and went to bed expecting to wake up in the morning with the flu but woke up and felt fine as if nothing had happened.

I get this sometimes and its something I cant explain.:shrug:

22-09-10, 15:39
Its alot of comfort to hear that other anxiety sufferers get this but I would really like someone to explain WHY it happens? What's going on inside our bodies to cause this? If I knew why, I could accept it and possible deal with it.
Does anyone know why?

Hazel B
22-09-10, 15:55
My GP told me it's a mix of adrenalin and tension. The adrenalin gets our bodies ready to "fight or flight": if there was a lion about to eat you, you would need to run away quick and adrenalin gets your body ready for this. We have "perceived" threats in our minds which give the same effects - the tension causes our muscles to be stiff and hence cause pain.

22-09-10, 16:31
i get alot of tention headaches and pain between the eyes and in my shoulders i also get muscle tightnings in my right hand it just tightens into a clenched fist n i cant open it my doc said thats all 2 do with anxiety 2
thinkin of u
kt x

23-09-10, 13:08
Mine seems to come AFTER I've had stress. Just when I start to relax and congratulate myself that I've coped and everything is now fine again - WHAM! it hits me. I feel ill and I'm told it's due to anxiety - but I don't have any anxiety - because the problem's over and I'm relaxed. Why now?

I still feel awful today and this has been going on now for three weeks, but not every day and not constantly - a couple of hours here and there and then it goes and I think I'm better and then it comes back - not because I'm stressing, although once it rears it's ugly head then I do start to stress because I worry about what else it could actually be - you know, brain tumours etc....

My husband thinks I'm exagerating and the doctor just gives me anti-biotics.
I really don't know how to cope with this. I've tried to ignore it and get on with life, but it's always there.

eternally optimistic
24-09-10, 20:35
Hi Becky

I am sure you are not exagerating.

I used to have a day off during the week from work and I was never well to enjoy it.

I should have realised that this wasnt normal but, running a home, family, working, takes its toll and I put it down to that.

You are right that the tension grabs you after you have dealt with something.

I also used to get it before I had to go somewhere I'd probably like to avoid..

I try and look for tell tell signs and try and chill, even if for half an hour, to avoid any flare ups.

25-09-10, 08:06
Thanks Jackie
maybe it's because I lead quite a hectic life and am now in menopause and need to slow down. But then again I've always had this anxiety thing, it just seems to be worse now than ever before.
I'm investigating different ways of relaxing and breaking this habit I have of producing panic every time I feel in the slightest bit ill. I know it's just a bad habit but to break it isn't that easy.
Somone I know has likened it to being on "auto-pilot" and I quite enjoy that expression. I need to step back and take control again.
Another thing he said which I'd like to quote, because it makes such sense, is this:
Giving up ANXIETY is much easier to give up than smoking because nicotine is addictive whereas Anxiety is purely bad repetitive habits in the way that you have allowed your unconscious mind to react and there is nothing addictive that has to be weaned out of the body.
Change the way you think and the anxiety just melts away
Could it be that easy?

paula lynne
25-09-10, 08:37
Hi Becky :) Im the same. Take yesterday, great having the family over, chaotic and loud etc, cooked 8 meals etc. AS SOON as they left and I sat down...BANG it all started! I think the adrenaline doesnt switch off as it should. Had to go to bed with my trusty paper bag and ride it out, this took 4 hrs! Luckily I have a supportive hubby. x I know how you feel x:wacko:

25-09-10, 09:38
I'm learning alot and I'm determined to beat this. It's just a bad habit and I'm going to try very hard to "un-learn" it. We don't need to live with this for the rest of our lives. It's just how we've trained our minds to re-act and we need to re-train them.

I'm still not feeling too good - my head's still buzzing but I refuse to panic about it anymore.

I'll keep posting and let everyone interested know how I go

24-09-15, 00:41
posting to an old thread as I have similar issues. Did you all reach some sort of resolution?

I've had anxiety for the last 10 years or so and it only seems that recently that this sort of thing has been happening to me. The frequency seems to change but it's been as often as every two weeks or so for me here lately. It always starts the same way...I start to feel really anxious like something is off. By the next day, I can only describe it as feeling sick...like a bad cold or the start of the flu. I don't really seem to have external cold symptoms other than being told I "look sick" in my eyes. I feel run down, extremely tired, internally shaky like I have a fever even though I don't, aches/pains especially in my wrists and ankles, headache, mental fog, dry eyes...the whole deal. It legit feels like I'm sick. It usually lasts for me like 3-4 days like a cold would, so I can't help but wonder "am I really just sick or is this caused by anxiety?" This sort of thing seems to happen more in recent years even though my anxiety has gotten significantly better. The inner hypochondriac in me assumes I'm dying of cancer and I absolutely hate going to the doctors so I avoid it. When my anxiety first started I had a really bad experience with my doctor and being dismissed for feeling the way I do. I get really bad white coat hypertension too so getting my blood pressure taken is always a treat. Times I have gone during this "illness" they do bloodwork and everything always comes back fine. Once again my inner hypochondriac assumes they missed the one blood test that would pinpoint what's wrong with me. Lol. I have noticed this whole deal is more likely to happen after I drink over the weekend, but not always. When I feel sick it seems to be "physically deeper" than just the anxiety I usually experience if that makes any sense.

Long story short I sympathize with you all because I know how terrible it is to feel sick all the time.