View Full Version : Fear of Medication

21-09-10, 16:36
I have just joined this site at a pretty rough point to say the least and really need something to calm me down. I have had GAD and OCD for about 2 and a half years. I have been in a panic provoking situation now for a few days with 12 left to go. I have medication that apparently will relax me down to my usual levels of anxiousness but I am scared of taking the medication, part of my OCD's I guess. Is this common, has anyone else been here? Any tips for stopping lengthly panic?



21-09-10, 16:38
Hi PennyFarthing

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Fly away Katie
21-09-10, 18:24
Welcome to NMP x x x

Vanilla Sky
21-09-10, 20:36
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

21-09-10, 21:45
HI there,

I am new to this site as well.... I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Although your situation sounds a little more severe than mine...I have recently starrted taking meds, after being too scared to admit my problems and take them for at least 2 years.
I think the only thing I have learned so far, is that your Dr would not prescribe you anything which would harm you. If the med's are there to help you then maybe you should try them? You could try 1 and see how you feel....if you are feeling bad already then it can't do too much harm?

I hope things get better for you

Stephie xxx

22-09-10, 07:35
Hi Matt,

I was very scared of taking meds, infact I got prescribed Effexor but wouldn't take them. My anxiety got worse- went back to the doctors and got a different medication.. I took it while on the phone with my husband (silly I know) but I did it! I think for me my anxiety ended up scaring me more than taking medication.

Now I couldn't function without them- I wish I wouldn't have waited so long. Good luck to you xx

22-09-10, 14:59
I fear taking medications to. My counselor told me about a natural doctor in my area. This means I would get stuff like ST John's Wart, or anything natural, or like Probiotics for some of my infections. I have taken medications before and have not done so well on a lot of medications. There were a few medications that made me see, or hear things that were not there and that really scared me bad. Haldol made all my muscles lock up and I had to get a shot. I was in the mental ward at the time. Effexor, made me feel so Dizzy I could not get out of bed. Zoloft gave me the runs (poop).. and made me way too hyper so my doctor took me off it. Remeron made me sleep all day, so the doctor took me off it. Xnax I can take, and it clams me down. I can take Risperdal to, with no side effects. I can take lithium with no problems. However Prozak and Paxil and thorazine make me feel like taking me life, or give me weird thoughts so I can't take it. Buspar is supposed to be for panic but it makes me twitch and just makes things worse. Amitriptyline made me talk to myself and hear voices. I took another medication for depression along time ago. I don't remember the name of it, but it's supposed to be an older medication. I seen things and ended up in the ER and then I was lead up to the mental ward. Lorazepam mad my panics attacks worse. My heart really raced on that stuff. Tegretol did help with my shaking, a lot but it made me real tired. I stayed on the medication for 7 months but all I did was sleep the days away. Doctor took me off it. This is why I do not like taking medications. I want to see if there is something natural I can take.

22-09-10, 16:48
Hi pettygil i to have a real fear of taking meds, and just today have been and seen neurologist for legs sensations, and he wants 2 put me on amatripteline, or gabapentin. Now i have already been prescribed diazepam and citalopram and have not taken any, after seeing neuro 2day i was going to try and take a diaz for bed tonite but reading ur post has put me right off again, cos that was my fear of going crazy put in mental hospital seeing things hearing things, thats why i feared taking them thanks aalot :doh:

22-09-10, 17:18
me too. i hate taking meds, but saying that i have to take BP meds, it took me 4 days to start taking them, i layed down ont the bed with my husband, fully expecting to die!! i kid you not, after an hour i got up, very slowly, lol. and lived, i try to think of it like this now, i take a new med for my tum, did that no probs, cos i already took one. im the same with anything, natural remedies as well, i fully expect to topple over and die from taking it! thats how bad i am.

i have refused a mirena coil despite the fact it would be better for me, but once the stupid dr at hosp told me the side effects i was in tears and out of there.! I keep to paracetamol cos ive had it for years. but then on other days i will have cough medicine andhave started taking inhalers! I almost dare myself to take them!

I try to look at like this, if the not taking them is gonna cause more issues than taking them, then i will do my best!
Ps i also try and say well what if i had something life threatening would i deny myself chemo or an operation, the answer is no.

i hope you are okay.


22-09-10, 18:55

Don't be put off please! I understand the fears, really I do. If we were sick with a cold, infection, disease we would definitely take our medication, wouldn't we? The doctors monitor you closely while taking these types of meds, try not to worry so much. And never, EVER read the side effects I did that, and it put me off! :blush:

22-09-10, 18:55
I used to hate taking medication as well, but now I have found a way to overcome this and i;m currently using it, well seeing somebody to help me via the telephone, which has been really good, so hang in there people!

22-09-10, 20:22
Harry and Pettygil

You might notice that I was the person who started this post just 1 day ago with a fear of medication grown from 2 years plus of extreme agrophobia anxiety panic and acute OCD. I have now tried the meds and feel fine. Pettygil stick in there, you will get better I guarantee it. I really feel for you and it hurt to read your traumatic post. Stick with it you will get stronger.

To Harry, mate, Pettygil has had a long and hard old slog by the sounds of it but do not let that stand in the way of your progress. Being fearful of others past is inevitable but equally as unproductive. Take that big step, please trust me it is worth it. Picture what you want, where you want to be and the good or bad side effects will pass as irrelevant thoughts.

I had the exact fears as you, going mad, mental ward etc. It killed me to take that step but I am glad I did.

Good Luck to you both,

Remember Anxiety rarely effects the bad people in this world, usually the good people. You are both great people with amazing pottential. You will find it, It will happen.

If you do what you have always done you will win what you have always won.


24-09-10, 00:08
Hey, u are deffinatley not alone!

As much as medication can help there is side effects with all them which Im guessing is what scares you?

All u can do right now is give it a go, and if they are not for u then stop!
I doubt it can do any harm in the short term.

All the best!