View Full Version : Scared about this new thing

21-09-10, 17:19
Hi Everyone again,

I've been having problems with my panic and anxiety flaring up for a few weeks now after ages of being ok. My history is depression (which is ok at the moment) anxiety (fear, heart racing, worrying) and panic attacks with 2 times actually fainting.

The times I've felt panicky most lately have been when I'm standing/queing in shops/public places and this has happened a few times in one particular food shop where I live. Well I have just returned home after going up the road to get some food there and I am scared now that I am developing agoraphobia as I stressed all the way there, but talked myself down, but by the time I got inside this same shop again I couldn't follow through to stay in there to get my food. I sat inside the doorway for a second on some seating, decided I just was to scared to do it and came straight home again.

This is totally new to me and frankly, I'm frightened. Despite my anxiety I have always stayed pretty resolute in it not getting the better of me, but I just seem to be going down a path I don't want to, which is isolating myself, scared of people and public areas and the fear I am going to pass out. I have never had this before and have always been very independent, travelling abroad alone 3/4 times a year and being quite happy in my own company.

In my head I KNOW IT IS STUPID, and self driven, but I'm struggling. I restarted my meds nearly 3 weeks ago and I no longer feel the depersonalization that I did before but my anxiety and panic is a struggle now.

I'm a bit frightened peeps. Any advice is appreciated.:weep:

Hazel B
21-09-10, 18:10
I'm hoping your meds will kick in more and help you with this. My issue is anxiety and I can only really go out for about an hour now then I want to come home to feel safe. It's not agrophobia, it just gets too much for my nerves and I want to be quiet at home.
Please see you GP again if it keeps happening.

21-09-10, 18:15
Thanks for your reply Hazel. I don't know if what I'm experiencing is described as agorophobia either to be honest.

I'm not a lover of busy shopping areas anyway, but with this anxiety I am able to get out of the house without problems, but once I am in town, especially if it is busy, I stress out and sweat buckets and can't stand the noise and chatter around me. It feels like a pressure cooker bulding up inside.

I'm just frightened as I don't want to become reclusive with this.

Hazel B
21-09-10, 18:20
With me, it's the anxiety, as our senses feel overloaded: everything is noisy, too bright, too smelly etc, it's adrenalin. It's tiring when it constantly rushes round our bodies, as it's a fight or flight mechanism we have, whether there is a real or perceived threat.
Please take one day at a time and it should heal. I worry about being reclusive too but go out every day (am signed off sick from work). I also try to walk outside, eat well and not sleep in the day, simple things my GP said would help.
Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

21-09-10, 18:28
Hi Debs71, I've had extreme panic/anxiety for 5 years now ( since I became perimenopausal), and I used to often turn and run out of shops (especially supermarkets) Slowly I learnt to just stay put, and challenge my fear, as I wasn't getting any shopping done most days :( What I find also helps hugely is an ipod :) It's been a God-send for me. Now I have the calming influence of my music, and everyone else's noise is zoned out :) You choose your own noise, rather than being subjected to other people's ! :) x

21-09-10, 18:32
Thanks Kibbutz83 for your reply.:)

I downloaded some relaxation and positive affirmation podcasts the other day from itunes which help me settle at night. That sounds like a good idea and I will give my ipod music a try when I go out again, thanks.xxxxx

21-09-10, 21:25
Hello. I am the same with shops, I get stressed by supermarkets, especially small crowded ones. I live in the town centre so there are only small crowded supermarkets round here. As suggested above, an mp3 player is essential. I can't go in shops without it. It allows you to zone out all the noise of babies screaming and people chattering and just focus on what you're doing.

Panic is weird. It makes you scared of things that you used to do just fine. I get very anxious about taking the train places, which I never used to before this break down. I think we will get used to things again in time though and become conditioned to them and the fear won't control us any more.

21-09-10, 23:33
I agree with everything you've said unspoken :) Glad it's not just me.... Debs you will be amazed at the difference music in your ears makes :) x

22-09-10, 00:08
I'm going to try again tomorrow to get to the shops so I will give the mp3 a go. I was almost going to order food shopping online tonight to be delivered but stopped myself as I really have to face this.:weep:

Thank you.xxx

Hazel B
22-09-10, 12:10
Will be thinking of you.
Could you let me know what you downloaded to help? Thanks.

22-09-10, 20:11
I have just returned from shopping. I dithered all day, feeling very low about it and stressed, but I did as you nice folk suggested and put my ipod on and just about managed it. I felt the panic rise in me in the shop, but managed to surpress it. I know it is so silly to feel like this, but for me this is a small victory.

Hazel, the podcasts I have downloaded are varied, but the good thing is they are all free from itunes and I would really recommend them. They are :

1. Behavioural Strategies with Linda Austin - Anxiety Disorders
2. Relax with Positive Affirmations - Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis downloads
3. Panic Attack Recovery
4. Panic Attack while Shopping (Part 1) - Introduction
5. Relaxation for Panic Attacks when flying
6. Test Anxiety Guru Relaxation Exercise
7. 7 steps to stop a Panic Attack - Mark Tyrell - Uncommon Help

Hope they help you too.xxx:hugs:

Hazel B
22-09-10, 20:19
Well done, you did really well! Been wondering how you were doing! That's so good, I'm really pleased for you.

I'm getting out for about 1-2 hours then want to be at home again, I keep telling myself it will get better.

Thanks so much for listing the downloads, really kind of you. I'll try some of them and see how it goes.

Hope tomorrow is OK for you.

22-09-10, 20:51
Thanks Hazel for your encouragement and kind words.

I hope the downloads are ok for you...I find them quite helpful to calm me down at night before sleep too.xxx

Hazel B
23-09-10, 11:55
Well, how are you today? It's raining here but I'm determined to get out of the house. I see my counsellor later so have to keep that appointment.

23-09-10, 12:46
Hi Hazel,

Well, not too bad thanks, but a bit edgy. I woke up ok today, no real panic symptoms which is good, and have kept busy with doing some washing and house stuff, but I still feel that underlying panic. Just trying to block it out.

It's raining here too after such a fab day yesterday....shame!

Good luck today getting out and seeing your counsellor. Let us know how you get on!


23-09-10, 15:05
I have to say, i now feel VERY ROUGH.

Heart racing, head buzzing, hyperventilating and just this fear and dread.

After yesterdays success with the shops (albeit with the anxiety) I just feel so low today. I don't know if this is side effects of restarting the Cipralex (2 and a half weeks now), the fact I was due on my period on Monday and it hasn't arrived or just the ruddy anxiety itself!!!


Hazel B
23-09-10, 15:09
Hi my love, it will pass. My anxiety always gets worse before a period starts, easpecially if it's late as I then think it's the menopause starting, oh when will anxiety leave us alone!
Can you listen to one of the downloads? The postive affirmations one was relaxing, the guy had a nice quiet voice I liked?
Thinking of you.... x x

23-09-10, 16:14
Thanks Hazel....I just want to get back to myself and am so angry that I'm set back again. I think I will give the downloads a go.xxxxx

Hazel B
23-09-10, 17:04
It's ups and downs, like small and big waves coming up the beach, ride the waves and we will get there.
I hope the podcasts help, it's when you need them most that matters. Let time pass and it will get better, I don't know how long but you will improve. I'm the same, you are not alone.

23-09-10, 17:29
Hi Debs, I know how you feel. If a place is too noisy or even if my other half is shouting too loudly at the telly when the footie is on, :wacko: I have to leave the place, or the room, or tell him to keep it down. I can't handle a lot of noise at the moment. I, too, have some serenity music on my Ipod, so if I am out and about, or sometimes, if I can't sleep, I just whack the ear bits in.

Keep us posted hun. xx

Hazel B
25-09-10, 16:25
Hi Debs, you OK today?

I am supposed to be at a wedding today with my fella but I could not go, not ready. I've had to cancel my holiday (a cruise to Russia) and missed a special family birthday in the past few weeks, I know I need to get well, but it hurts to miss fun.

I got an appointment for my gallstone consultation today, so that's good - been waiting ages. Been for a walk as well, Hope you're OK.