View Full Version : Ice pick headaches!!

21-09-10, 20:12
I've experienced over the last year or so from weird head pains, its like a shooting stabbing pain, lasts from 5-30 seconds, and can happen anywhere over my head however I mainly get it though by the temples. I was told to read about ice pick headaches and this is totally like what I get. I also find in times of stress/anxiety they become more frequent.

Has anyone else experienced this.


22-09-10, 09:32
Yes I sometimes get sharp pains like this and sometimes it makes me feel like im going to be sick. i also get pin and needles, falling sensations in my head and pressure. It scares the hell out of me but doctors assure me that its anxiety. I just try to ignore the pains but sometimes its hard.

I can go weeks without any symptoms and then they can come back out of nowhere. When im going through a bad patch I go really spaced out for days as well which is also scarey.