View Full Version : Hi, I'm Mónica, and I am an anxiety sufferer.

21-09-10, 21:26
A very fond hello to everyone!

I'm a 27 year old girl from Portugal, and I've spent the last year of my otherwise carefree life in a wave of deep despair associated with the need of going to the bathroom. It strikes me as really odd, since I usually was a lazy "pee-er" and only went once or twice a day.

Initially I thought bladder infection, and I've been trough several treatments. If it was in the beggining, now its gone, but the feeling persists. If there is not a bathroom in clear acess, I will sweat, my heart pounds, my legs loose all strenght, and I think of nothing else except: "You wont make it, you need to go NOW, oh my god the humilliation."

I avoid going into long trips, wether by car or public transportation, I avoid music festivals and lots of other things that used to make me happy, simply because I know bathroom acess will be hard.

Today was my first day at college, and I left in the middle of a class running to the bathroom, sure that this is it, this is the time I wont be able to hold it in. I didnt have the nerve to go back in, and instead I came home feeling very small and very sad.

I have to tell you I damn near cried when I found this website, about an hour ago. From what I've been reading I think the lot of you knows exactly how I feel.

I didnt know there where others. Thank you for helping me feel not so alone in this poisoned mind.


21-09-10, 21:27
Hi Solocosmo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

ally b
21-09-10, 21:39
:welcome:, you will get through this:bighug1:

Fly away Katie
21-09-10, 21:53
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

22-09-10, 20:03
Thank you all :flowers:

I've been reading this place one end to the other and finding really useful information. Congratulations to all.

22-09-10, 20:17
Hi Monica and welcome to nmp your never alone on here:)

Hazel B
22-09-10, 20:23
Hi Monica! You are not alone, this site is wonderful. Your mind is not poisoned, it's the symptoms of anxiety that make us feel mad. One of the symptoms for me is a fast heartbeat, for you it is a different thing but I do understand.

22-09-10, 20:29
Welcome to nmp xx

margaret jones
22-09-10, 20:40
Hi Monica welcome to this Fantastic site xx

22-09-10, 20:52
Hi Monica,
take heart from these great people! take care x