View Full Version : Do You Always Know WHY Your Anxious???

22-09-10, 10:50
I always find that when im getti8ng my nasty physical symptoms, I actually sit and ask myself what it is im actually anxious about??!! I never actually know! Ok yes im anxious over my health but not all the time, and i only get horrible symptoms THEN i start to worry, not before! so why are the symptoms comin on in the first place?? Please someone have an answer for me!

Ya know, most people with anxiety disorder, they KNOW what they r anxious about when they get their physical symptoms, whether it be strange thoughts, or they r in a much too crowded place. But i dont have anything to be anxious about yet i still get symptoms come on! i was a footy match lastnight having such a blast, then all of sudden out of nowhere i just got a off balance rush through my body and it made me feel very dizzy and had to sit down. THEN MY HEART STARTED POUNDING WHICH THEN GOT ME ON ONE ABOUT MY HEART lol....

Can anyone see what i mean???? I dont have any fear of being in crowded places, or supermarkets etc, but supermarkets i ALWAYS get dizzy and vision goes blurry and BAD depersonalization where i dont seem real or derealization where everything around me in the shop seems strange! I feel like hittin myself and screaming coz i dont actually know why these symptoms are coming on!

Ive had enough, as im not an anxious person whatsoever. I was just sat here a moment ago with my son and he was smiling at me so i smiled back ad pulled a face and he laughed then i got a funny feeling in my left arm that seemed like it went numb for a moment then my vision went foggy. WHYYYYY :(:(:(

Help :(

22-09-10, 10:53
My mum says its probably my subconcious mind but i dont know why it would make me anxious and not realise it. then cause these horrible symptoms. my hands go weak ALL the time too. This isnt normal, i swear i need an MRI.

22-09-10, 11:57
My physical symptoms usually come first but I have noticed triggers sometimes, i'd love an mri but I doubt I can just walk into a dr's and just demand one :| You're not alone.x

22-09-10, 11:59
Your subconscious mind is capable of a lot and i've realised the body just gets used to being anxious so even simple things can make it appear.

22-09-10, 12:14
Great post this is one thing that always confuses me too.
I dont feel anxious until my physical symptoms like head pains or chest pains start, its then I get anxious and panicky.

I can be busy doing something feeling great and enjoying myself and then bam out of nowwhere I get head pains and go spaced out. Its something I can never understand thats why I find it hard to believe the doctors when they keep telling me its anxiety and not some underlying illness causing me these symptoms.

22-09-10, 17:26
You are so right boxerharvey. thats exactly wot i dont get! but they refuse to listen dont they. its ever so annoying :( i just wud love to know wot it is that is causing thye symptoms to come on. i hate anxiety!!!!!!!!

22-09-10, 20:59
That is EXACTLY how I feel about it! Last night, I was chatting to my hubby & chuckling about something interesting & slightly amusing - then I suddenly felt spaced out & the anxiety started. I had no reason to be anxious before that! I just don't get it. :shrug:

23-09-10, 00:00
Anxiety doesn't have to have a cause..

A well person may have a heart palpatation and think "ooo what's that" and then not think about it - some may not even notice.

Someone with anxiety notices their heart pounding and suddenly they are dying. We react differently, we worry unnecessarily because we have anxiety.

There doesn't have to be a cause, who knows what it is - if it were just a case of "dealing with a problem" then we'd deal with it and anxiety would be gone - i wish i knew why i got it, but i don't, i just know i do.

You're not alone. X

23-09-10, 12:29
Interesting thread as this is exactly what is confusing me at the moment.

Since my physical symptoms started back in August 2009 there has not been a single day where I have felt well, and the progression of the problems has been slow but consistent, it gets slightly worse and worse and worse as time goes on. I've started to have to take time off work sick, first time I've ever done this, and this new development terrifies me.

At the time of my initial symptoms I was having some relationship stress, and was working really hard at work BUT my life is fantastic now, everything is really great. Apart from the fact that I feel incredibly ill all of the time.

I get a huge range of physical symptoms, and there is constantly something that I am aware of, right now I am slightly dizzy and nauseous, I have an ache in the back on my arms and (as usual) my hands feel weak. My eyelids have been twitching for a couple of days now and I'm having a period of being incredibly unsteady on my feet. My calves ache and my legs feel weak.

That is just NOW, this second, this will shift and change throughout the day / tomorrow, etc, and onwards. I'll get terrible headaches, my vision will go blurry, I'll get really slurry speech, confusion, clumsiness, mental slowness... you name it, if it is neuro in nature, I'll get it.

So my theory is, one of a few different things is happening to me:

1) I have something organically wrong with me, some kind of illness, perhaps in my brain, perhaps a muscular disorder of some kind.

2) My nervous system has taken such a battering from being such a worrier and having some pretty awful and traumatic things happen to me in the past, that it is fundamentally damaged in some way.

3) I now have full blown health anxiety and my mind is "creating" the symptoms I am feeling as part of this disorder.

Whichever one it is, I am at a loss as to how to get past it. I've made changes in my life, got myself to a point where I'm happy with things, am really happy and excited about a new relationship that is starting. I like my job (even though its hard work), I've stopped worrying about all sorts of things and am generally much calmer and happier in myself.


How can this be "anxiety"? I feel like I'm a rational guy but the problem is (if its anxiety) as follows:

- I feel ill, so think I'm ill. This is a perfectly reasonable thing to think when the feelings of illness are so real.

- Because I think I'm ill, I am tense and worried about myself. If this is "anxiety" then this is fuelling the physical problems.

You see the cycle? The only way to break it is to have utter faith that if I assume that I am NOT ILL IN ANY WAY, the feelings of illness will eventually go away. So really the key is having BLIND FAITH, which, being a pretty logical and impirical thinker, doesn't come easily to me. I need to see some EVIDENCE that I'm not ill, and currently, the way I feel, is huge evidence that I am very ill indeed.

Sorry for the rant but I wonder if anyone else feels some empathy with these statements?

By the way I have an appt to see a neuro but I was told by the GP to expect a wait of several months.


23-09-10, 12:41
For me personally, I ALWAYS know why I am anxious, or rather what kicks off my bad bouts of anxiety and the panic attacks.

I'm a general worrier anyway, but can function ok with general everyday things, shopping, work, etc., but my problem is any big stress that comes along to disrupt that causes me to go haywire and the panic in particular flares up badly.

This time it has been relationship worries.

It frustrates me as I wish I could just let things bounce off me, or at least if not that, just let me function like a normal human being instead of the debilitation that I experience with the panic. It makes me feel so weak and pathetic and embarrassed.x:weep:

23-09-10, 13:18
I can get Anxiety from many things, If I get a pain anywhere in my body I think about it and worry also if I get startled or get toothache. I get floaters in my eyes, pains in my neck and face and chest pain, I've had this for a few months now and it can get debilitating. I'm a worrier and a thinker and that is the base of my problems, I've had these pains before but I never knew it had a name (Anxiety).

23-09-10, 17:02
I get my muscle twitching for no reason and only then do I start to worry.
Sometimes I can say xyz started it but other times it just comes on for no apparent reason

Fly away Katie
23-09-10, 17:15
Sometimes I get anxiety symptoms without even feeling anxious. Or a pain brings them on, or theyre just random.Tis not fair atall! x x x x