View Full Version : Does anyone get slow pulse rate,with eptopic beats

04-03-06, 14:02
As usual folks i am living every min in fear, i havnt heard of anyone having the opposite feeling to the fast heart beat,and getting a slow beat with eptopic beats, thats what started all this dam fear in the beginning, could anyone help me on that, i do get chest discomfort ,and feel dizzy too, and a constant buzzing in my ears...remember all i did have 3 ecgs including one last year, however i never had the slow beat then , and when i had my blood pressure taken 3 days ago-my blood pressure was up a bit...

freaking guys im really freaking, im so so so so weak.
Been starting to take the beta-blockers that was perscribed to me by the doc... havnt noticed any difference ...yet its surposed to regulate everything isnt it,but i did read that it can to slow it down ... god you must all get sick of me.

ashley x

04-03-06, 14:29
no one will get sick of you ashley thats what this sight is here for. i get what you get. i got put on beta blocker tabletz and i started thinking why ismy pulse now very faint oh no im gonna die but its just the tablets trying to regulate the heart again and stop it from being in anxiety and panic mode just chill chicken it will all be ok even[8D]tually

04-03-06, 14:57
Katy you sound so positive, but then so do i when i advice other people.

Im worried coz 6 weeks ago my anxiety kicked of with slow heart beats ...no eptopics at that point , but very slow and chest pain,man nasty. Oviously from that point onwarsd the eptopic beats etc etc have followed and im now living in the circle of anxiety.

Im scared to take the tablets coz they can slow ya heart rate down too, so i have heard and thats in my head and im so worried.
[?] [?]
Ive been given 10mg prop.... something there beta blockers anyway and i have to take that 3 times a day taking two.. i started them yesterday and took only one though to start with last night and i have taken one this am and i am going to take anthour one in a minute, and agin to night ... if im brave i will go onto 2 three times tomorrow.

You know what has really really thrown me this time,i have never ever ever ever QUOTE and see that underlined, had it to this degree, with nasty chest pain,i mean ive had it before but not like that man.

Really feeling ,and sensing i am going snuff it..

man i am a depressive arnt i...

I cant help it, keep thinking they have missed something...
would it show up if i had bardycardia(is thats what it is called hahaha)

im so blinkin F****D of and tired and i hurt..

ashley xx

04-03-06, 17:07
ashley you no my fear is the same a yours but i was actually on 40mg so you are on a really low dose. yes they do regulate things, that is why they slow it down, but that is not dangerous, it is just because your heart is going from fast to slow that it starts to give you the middle ground.

your blood pressure was up hunny because you were anxious and at the docs, it will not have lasted i promise you.

dont ever feel we are sick of you your great! but what you are going through is soooooooo normal, your heart is strong and will not fail you as quick as you think it will, be assured that we are all going through the whole fear thing and your posts only make us feel less alone.

do you live near anyone else on the site?

04-03-06, 17:54
The thing that started me of in the very beginning was the slow heart beat...and then i had chest pain ...although that has gone a little now i have the eptoic beats to go with the slow heart rate,,, so that was before i even started taking this tablets...now im scared to carry on taking the tablets incase they make it worse...and so far i still feel rubbish


05-03-06, 16:56
give it time woman.lol

they will work, i no you will succeed i just no you will. your too much of a laugh to suffer forever.

05-03-06, 21:39
Im a muppet arnt i, jackie hehehe.

cant help it lol

ash x


jo 345
07-03-10, 19:13
Hi Ashley,i am so pleasd to read your post.I take propranolol and have the same symptoms as you.Slow pulse,ectopic beats,chest pain worse at bedtime.I have just read the article on here on ectopic beats and found it so reassuring. When its at its worst i try relaxation breathing,imagining i am breathing in through my toes and drawing the breath up through my body.I have had ecgs seen a cardiologist and all fine.Feel more relaxed having read your post.Good luck.

09-03-10, 11:02
Just a query.....I was under the impression that beta blockers slowed the heart rate???! You may want to confirm this elsewhere but i'm 99% sure.

Kel x

09-03-10, 21:33
How slow is your heart rate? my other half's is 56 beats to the min. and doc says that is ok. Professional cyclists have very slow heart rates about 30 to 35 beats a minute Normal rate is about 72 to 80 beats a minute

19-03-10, 18:10
I sometimes get the feeling my heart is slowing right down too then starts thudding back to normal again, the test at the time is reassuring but it doesn't last forever does it just keep trying to remember how you felt when they told you all was o.k... it's all fine.. x

13-08-11, 16:13
Wow so glad I've found this, this is exactly what I get... Slowing pulse in the middle of a panic with eptopics.

13-08-11, 17:14
Hi, ...... yes, I've had all the heart stuff that goes along with anxiety! It's bad sometimes. During the mid to late 90's it was incredible! I really thought i was going to die ... my heart would skip up to 3 - 4 beats, I would grab my wrist to check for a pulse, and NOTHING ....I am not kidding! Obviously, it started back up again, with a big THUD....but that went on for years .... then, the feeling that there is no heart beat at all, all day .....that's always fun .... then, the racing heartbeat, the skipping beats, or the very slow heartbeat .... it feels as if my heart is immersed in mud, odd I know..but that's the feeling .... a friend had suggested I take vit. B....so, I did..and I'll tell you, it REALLY helped! ..... so you may want to try that, it's just a thought.
I hope you're doing better, I can see this is an old thread .... but I thought I'd throw in my two cents here .......

13-08-11, 18:09
my hart rate is allays slow but I don't worry about it. its normaly around 50bpm when im relaxed and about 90 when im doing stuff. ( and i have an irregular heartbeat to )