View Full Version : for vixxy

22-09-10, 13:43
thanks for your reply but i was a bit alarmed when you said green or black poo is suspicious...can you reassure me as i poo black sometimes then light brown ...i thought we poo what we eat.my son drinks a lot of coke and his are black

22-09-10, 16:49
Pete - which thread was this in response to - it may be worth replying on there as this will get lost I expect.

22-09-10, 16:53
on my thread pete24 ...i still check

22-09-10, 17:24
I've had green stools but only once and it was the day after a lot of alcohol consumption, it can be because a food was processed too fast, when your body wants rid of something it just rushes it through and the result can be green poo I think.
I've had dark stools but none I would consider to be black, you sure it's just not really dark?

22-09-10, 17:54
Sorry I didnt mean to alarm you Pete. Stools will change colour, and sometimes you will get darker ones.
And yes your stools will be coloured on what you eat. Eating a lot of iron rich foods will give you darker stools.

22-09-10, 18:09
hi vixxy the part that alarmed me was when you said that dark grey /black/ green stools /you should see the gp...can you check your original answer on my earlier thread called i still check......sorry to be a pain

22-09-10, 18:19
I have read it again. I assumed you were more worried about fresh blood as you said you cut yourself and put it on loo roll. Hence the darker stools comment wasnt in as much detail.
I dont have any experience of bowel cancer personally. (My uncle has it at the moment, but Ive not asked him his symptoms XD) So the advice came from my knowledge of it. From the reading Ive done in the last few minutes you would have dark tarry stools 99% of the time. You said sometimes, which I would say means you dont have any internal bleeding.
I cant give you a definate yes or no though, im not a doctor. The only way to be totally sure would be to have a rectal exam, which is not fun lol or a stool sample.

And youre not being a pain. :p

22-09-10, 18:21
I had green stools a few weeks ago - I think I had eaten too much salad and veg. They were ok the next time.

If it is not every time you have a bowel movement that I wouldn't worry about it.

22-09-10, 18:28
Ive had all the colours of the rainbow lol.
Ive had black stools from eating beetroot, that scared me. Ive had black stools from taking iron medication. Ive had green, from alcohol. Ive had bright orange that made me jump!
Please try not to worry, youre ok :)

22-09-10, 18:33
hi vixxy thanks for your answer....i had always thought that signs of bowel cancer was bleeding from yer backside...i had never paid much attention to the colour of the stool...the problem is i am scared to go to the gp ..and always have been as they want to do tests that take 3 weeks to find out results...i can only deal with instant results at the moment in my heightened state of alert

22-09-10, 18:39
Could you think of the end goal? After 3 weeks all of your worry will be gone.
All that weight off your mind.
What has caused you to worry so much about bowel cancer?

22-09-10, 18:42
i had always thought that signs of bowel cancer was bleeding from yer backside.

Bleeding is a sign of piles or a fissure and NOT bowel cancer.

22-09-10, 18:43
Ive had all the colours of the rainbow lol.
Ive had black stools from eating beetroot, that scared me. Ive had black stools from taking iron medication. Ive had green, from alcohol. Ive had bright orange that made me jump!
Please try not to worry, youre ok :)

I can relate to that as I have Crohn's disease so I think I have been through all of that too.

I also have bowel movements upwards of 3 times a day and it is rarely solid.

22-09-10, 18:49
i knew 2 people who died from bowel cancer

22-09-10, 18:54
I know two people as well.

Do you know what their symptoms etc were?

22-09-10, 19:26
Why not spend your time focusing on how to prevent bowel cancer. A good diet and plenty of exercise will dramatically cut your risk.

22-09-10, 19:42
I agree Vixxy.

I was just trying to see if Pete was worried as he had some of the symptoms that those people had.

22-09-10, 19:53
Yes, sorry I wasnt in any way trying to say that you were wrong XD