View Full Version : Anyone feel alot of TENSION im scared its just me

04-03-06, 14:34
hi everyone i post all the time on here but only because it makes me reasurred nd fel good and i want to thank you all for that. my main worry is i get very tensed eyes like it strains to look up and i feel the same tension in the back of my neck its really wierd i think its due to blood clots and brain tumourz but if anyone else can relate to me id be very appreciative.

hope everyone else isnt living in fear that everyday is there last its a scary situation but i dont know how to get over it


04-03-06, 14:50
Try this post ..

Achy neck and jaw (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2938)

Sounds like you could do with a good massage as well.


04-03-06, 15:32
You know what katy, when you have anxiety the way that we do , we tense our bodies up is unbelivable, seriously that every part of our bodies ache in sheer pain ..and that means down to the toes in our feet... i have constant pain in my chest and back sometimes worse then other times but i do get it... and its the constant tensing of ourselfs.

And nicola is right you do need a good massage , hopefully with a nice hunk of a man, in his little g-string haha...[Oops!] was i allowed to say g-string ...

ashley x xxxx

04-03-06, 15:40
thanks ashley and u made me laugh with the whole g string its hilarious, il try relax and get a massge

04-03-06, 17:11
katy thanks for hoping we do not live with the same fear as you but im afraid i am as guilty of this as you, you are not alone, and whilst i get on with my day, every day is in some way overshadowed by this fear. i too fear clots but in the lung

eye strain is sooo common, have you read claire weekes books, as she mentions eye strain even though there is no phisical sign of damage

also the neck thing is a constant with me. it is one of the first places we strain and is most definitely muscularr

i hope you too one day loose this fear

one day

04-03-06, 17:17
thank u very much 4 ur wise words jackie