View Full Version : I dont want to die !

22-09-10, 18:31
Last Monday night I had got tired of the slight pain in my left arm and stupidly googled it. Google told me I was likely having a heart attack or about to have one. I tried not think about it very much but it was impossible and got myself into such a state I had a massive panic attack which at the the time I was thinking this is it it's here. I dialled 999 and got told after a check of my sats and such that I was having a panic attack.

I felt like a fool for wasting their time but I also would not have left it to chance.

I have 6 year old little girl (I'm a single mum) and since Monday I have developed a fear of death or dying in my sleep and her finding me in the morning to the point where I can not sleep.

The only complaints I had before my first panic attack was the pain in my left arm and in my opinion over the last few weeks the bue veins in my body have become more visible. I have also been more tired.

I have a history of depression and anxiety that I thought I had tackled in April of this year but I clearly was very wrong.

The Tuesday after I had my first PA I had an even larger one and was so scared again I called 999. They took my BP 130/80 during the attack and they also did a 6 lead and 12 lead ECG. Both recorded 'normal sinus rhythm.

I have had several more panic attacks since then despite a trip to the hospital where a doc told me I was fine and my sats were good. my pulse and BP is healthy but I was still not convinced. I am worrying constantly that they are wrong and I will die in my sleep leaving my little girl all alone.

I am overweight but have dropped a stone in 9 days due to anxiety.

I plan to continue to do this.

I am asthmatic.

I quit smoking 8 weeks ago.
Quit drinking at the same time too.
I have done drugs in my teens but not for a very long time.
I am 27 years old and I want my life back and for this fear to stop eating away at me.

I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. Since then my body seems to have also developed more unusual symptoms.

Neck pain.
Upper back pain.
Arm pain (mostly left, sometimes right)
Toothache )very mild and not constant)
face pain on right side (again mild and not constant)
I feel weak tired, itchy, generally achy.
I also keep getting sensations of warmth in different parts of my body that only last a few seconds.

I guess I just want some reassurance that these are normal in anxiety and that my ECG and the fact Im still alive and my arm has been hurting for a while. I just dont want to die.

I can't leave my little girl.

22-09-10, 18:35
hi there. I had a really wierd pain in my upper arm for months. I convinced myself it was heart related and then when i got a wierd pain in the middle of my back i convinced myself that my time was up and iwas having a heart attack.... this was 9 months ago and im still here and i didnt have a heart attack.
Being so tense will make you feel like utter crap. My advice is to learn how to relax. Meditation, a relaxation CD or progressive relaxation will help your body to unwind and youll notice all those aches and pains will go away.
You will be ok :)

22-09-10, 18:36
all the symptoms here are exactly what i have, all caused by anxiety
i used to suffer really badly to the point where it took over my life so i went for some cognitive behavioural therapy and it worked wonders. It will get better, dont worry xxxx

22-09-10, 18:41
Thanks so much for your replies.

I am sick of crying and sick of worrying. I feel like no one understands in my family and its just too much sometimes.

Im glad I found this site.

22-09-10, 18:47
Youll be welcomed among us all that understand every worry that you have had or will have in the future. Its a great community :)

22-09-10, 18:48
Michelle - have a read of the symptoms website page on the left as it will explain why we get a lot of these pains through anxiety

Hazel B
22-09-10, 18:49
It all sounds like anxiety, for me it was a racing heart. Have you told your GP how you feel? There are ways to help.

22-09-10, 18:50
thanks guys x

22-09-10, 18:51
Yeah I spoke to my GP. I was told your 27 your not going to die, your egc is fine just take more Diazepam.

I am going back on Friday to see someone else who i hope can offer me more help.

Hazel B
22-09-10, 18:58
You deserve more than that, I hope a different GP is kind. There is counselling you can have, relaxation techniques etc etc. I have temporary meds too but am also doing all I can for my anxiety: walking every day, trying to eat well, not sleeping in the day and listening to calming music. I've tried meditation as well though that is not going too well!
I see a counsellor once a week and that does help me talk things out.
I've lost weight too, it's anxiety, it makes you feel you are ill or mad but you're not I promise.
Take care x

22-09-10, 19:01
I really hope so. My Grandad has just been diagnosed with Cancer and the last thing my family needs is for to be ill too.

22-09-10, 19:02
Hs anyone else had the blue vein thing?

Hazel B
22-09-10, 19:07
I have very pale skin and all my veins look blue, you're hyper-aware of your body so every new thing you notice sets off worry.

My health anxiety started after 3 years of bereavement/job loss/family illness and my own health scare. Every spot/mole/bruise/whatever sets off a worry. I understand totally and send support, please accept what the docs say about you being healthy. It's hard to do but a step to recovery.

22-09-10, 19:09
I really am trying. Thanks so much for your support :)

22-09-10, 19:16
too right...go and see another GP!....sometimes i wish they walked in our shoes!....and new how it felt!

you know wot anxiety as we have all said presents itself in so many different ways...my left arm always goes numb and heavy and at 1st i thought OH NO!!!!!!!!!! but it only happens when i am having an attack (grrrrr! everyday at the moment). i have lost a stone in weight...i am trying to eat but it is hard isnt it......i am going to buy some vitimins.

i hope you get a better outcome on friday...maybe ask can you be referred to a counsellor.

it is oh so hard when we have children!....but we are all here for you xxxxx

22-09-10, 19:25
thank you so much calm. I don't know whats worse the feeling of being a terrible mother or the feeling of impending doom.

The thing is they dont know how it feels. I am usually bubbly when my anxiey is not too bad and people are convinced I am on the verge of another breakdown.

I am going to ask my GP to run some blood tests to rule out Liver disease as I have a lot of symptoms, including the veins. The good thing with this is it seems quite treatable.

Its weird Im taking this as good news.

Better then a heart attack though.

God listen to me.

22-09-10, 19:26
I bought some Vit B today and folic acid. I have also taken to popping aspirin in my paranoia.

22-09-10, 19:35
Just to add.. I spent years not feeling the left side of my body, espcially my arm...it was like it was a heavy dead weight. I thought I was going to die...but I didn't :)

It has returned again ... the dead weight feeling! I am not worried as I know this time it is anxiety and nothing more.

Hope you are ok, hugs x

22-09-10, 19:47
thank you my left leg is aching as bad as my arm now :(

Hazel B
22-09-10, 20:34
Have the tests, they will put your mind more at ease. Then you can concentrate on the anxiety. Please take care of yourself and make sure you see a different and kind GP.

22-09-10, 21:03
thanks very much Hazel :)

22-09-10, 21:53
Hi Michelle

Im a single parent of a daughter who is 10. I get terrible anxiety about my health and keep thinking its not the anx and its a serious illness etc. I also have this fear of death and when i think back it only started after i split up with my daughters dad.

All the symptoms you have just mentioned are ones i have as well. I often get that pain in my left arm. At the moment i have a pain in my leg. I wish i could accept its all anxiety that is doing this to me but i find it really hard to believe anxiety can do all this to you even though i have been suffering for about 6 years.

Your grandad being diagnosed with cancer is probably not helping you anxiety either.

I had cbt last year and it did help me and i was anx free for quite a while.

love mandie x

22-09-10, 22:18
First off, you will be welcomed, understood and not judged here. Many, if not most of us have been where you are now with anxiety and panic. I spend way too much time everyday thinking about death and what is going to happen to my kids and how long before my wife remarries and if she will forget about me and if I am more trouble than I am worth to all them because of my anxiety issues. I have aches, pains, twitches, chest tightness, upper back pain and numerous other things. Right now I am convinced I have lymphoma or a neuromuscular disease. It sucks and I know you can relate. All I can say is try to relax, talk to your doctor and believe the EKG's. Good luck.
