View Full Version : Neck/Face/Cheekbone/Jaw Pain

22-09-10, 23:16
I have been having pain in my neck for 2 weeks and it gets quite bad.

I am also getting pains in my face, cheekbones and in my jaws, It could well be teeth but i'm surprised i'm getting all this.

And i get weird sort of twitches near my jaws and near the ears.

Then again i'm worried it's something like head or neck cancer.

Went to the doctor about this neck pain but they didn't say much.

22-09-10, 23:20
sounds like you are clenching your teeth and causing tension in those areas.

If the doc isn't worried then I wouldn't worry about it.

Sounds like tension to me

22-09-10, 23:45
Hi Eggy

Definitely sounds like a classic case of tension here - if you are feeling anxious about it the worse it gets and it just seems to go on and on.

Try not to worry - I know, easier said than done - try to focus away from the pain and distract yourself.

It will pass - trust me - have been there!
