View Full Version : hi, newbie here, please be gentle

22-09-10, 23:39
hi all. im dave, im 32yo and from luton.
i have been on seroxat for 8yrs now, initially 15mg then 30mg and now im on 50mg for the last 6 months.
i wish i'd never took them. to start they helped with anxiety, panic and depression. now however my life is a living hell.
my anxt, panic and depression are as bad as ever (sometimes worse)
I suffer head buzz and electric shock sensations all down my left side, especially in my head and chest. this is a daily event even tho i take my meds as per script. Just 1 missed dose and im very poorly and agressive and it takes 2-3 days to even start to feel to 'normal'
i have no energy, drive, optomism etc. really serious thoughts of suicide too. (too cowardly tho)
this has cost me my marriage and 2 serious relationships. also it feels like my future too.
any advice and encouragement would be much appreciated

22-09-10, 23:41
Hi tjallen1106

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-09-10, 23:56
Take heart tjallen, you'll meet so many lovely friends on NMP, its good that you've found us.

A huge welcome :welcome:

22-09-10, 23:59
ty Agnes. its not easy to find and talk to people who know and understand what ur going through.
ill hopefully find this forum a good help.

Vanilla Sky
23-09-10, 00:08
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

23-09-10, 08:32
Hi Dave and welcome mate, you will find loads of advice here.

Veronica H
23-09-10, 08:45
:welcome:to NMP Dave. Glad that you have found us.


paula lynne
23-09-10, 10:34
Hi Dave, and welcome. Good to know you x:):welcome:

23-09-10, 10:46
Hi Dave,

Welcome to NMP, sounds like you have had it pretty bad. I am new to the site as well, I only joined on Monday, but I already feel a little better... with anxiety/depression life can be so lonely, or seem so lonely....but on here everyone is going through or has gone through something similar.....you will make lot's of friends.

PM me if you want or need to rant or something......


Hazel B
23-09-10, 11:21
You are not alone and you've come to the right place, welcome.