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evil monkey
23-09-10, 00:05
(pls skip to latest post.)

I have no idea where to begin......but hello for now

likin the emotes..... xx

thanks x

23-09-10, 00:07
Hi evil monkey

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
23-09-10, 00:08
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Veronica H
23-09-10, 08:53
:welcome:to NMP Monkey.


paula lynne
23-09-10, 10:29
Welcome evil, youll find lots of support here. Good to know you x:welcome:

evil monkey
23-09-10, 14:18
thank u'z for the hello xx



paula lynne
23-09-10, 14:30
Hiya...thanks for your post. Do you think if you looked like Arnie it would solve your problems? Im not being sarcastic, I just want to know.....I was invovled with Jehovahs witnesses for years, messed me up, left me isolated and under their total control, this added to my anxiety and agoraphobia in fact! Im sorry you are lonley, do you have any other interest beside the gym? maybe you could join a group or club and meet like minded people there? Sorry your having a crappy time at the moment.:hugs:all the best Paula x

evil monkey
23-09-10, 15:00
hey thnk u for the reply xx

god this turned into a ramble


paula lynne
23-09-10, 15:19
Def sounds like a self-confidence issue. I used to think being successful meant a great job, money, career, body! haha, lots of friends...ITS NOT. Its about being happy and living your life as best you can, using what youve got. Maybe have a look at part-time work doing something completely different? Im glad youve got a lttle pet to love! awww x You can get some great confidence building tapes, cd's and books, why not have a try at those? As far as exercise goes, its brilliant for anxiety and burning off adrenalin....instead of arnie, why not just be the best YOU CAN BE? hope you make it out this weekend, even if its just for an hour x

Fly away Katie
23-09-10, 16:14
Helloooo and a warm welcome to NMP x x x

evil monkey
23-09-10, 18:30
thanks, thanks paula too.

its an orrid catch 22 with the job thing. need to feel good for the job, but need the job to feel good. i tried some volunteering work, because 1 thing which caused the last problem was the fact that at work people snipe at each other. with volunteering everyone wants to be there so its a nicer atmosphere.


evil monkey
28-09-10, 21:52

29-09-10, 09:46
Hey Monkey - firstly - good work on going to clubs and gigs on your own - something i've never had the confidence to do. I'm in a similar boat - love my music but most of my musical buddies live too far away now or don't care for it. Loads of festivals i want to go to but don't really fancy going it alone.

In regards to being embarrased by your life - i can kind of relate - i'm nearly 30 and have no money (only just beat credit card debts - used to love pointless gadgets - when i lived at home my bedroom was like the freakin bat cave), and all my close friends have wonderful houses whilst i've only just started renting. You cannot change the past though, only look forward.

If your into keeping fit i'd recommend taking up a martial art - will give your confidence a kick (literally), keep you fit and you'll meet some great people there.

evil monkey
29-09-10, 23:29