View Full Version : cant deall with work anymore need help

23-09-10, 08:40

no been on this site for abit because i thought i was gettin better with my anxiety but obvisly not, every since i left school i have gone from being a bright bubbly lad to nothing no confience no nothing, my anxiety first started in first year of college and has been runining my life ever since, due to havin jobs and then quiting them, every job i have had i have quit due to this anxiety and being on edge all the time and cant perform at work, i am currently in me new job but keep making excuses to go in because of this anxiety, as i am a cook in a nursery im scared of taking the food out to the kids and so on and get worked up about it and every 1 at work thinks im weird, I just dont no what to do take a break for abit but my mum might go mad as she doesnt understand really and neither do other people unless they have it, i really cant afford to loose another job really, im back on me medication as i went to doctors yesterday,

some comments would seriously help

23-09-10, 08:48
Hi city.

I am wondering if you are having some sort of social anxiety issue, or your anxiety is general, and is zapping you of your confidence.

Somewhere deep down there will be a reason for this loss of confidence, and although medication will help you cope with the day to day, they won't get to the cause.

I would go back to your GP fella, see if there is more that can be done, I am kinda thinking talk therapy's, maybe CBT, just to get to the core of the problem.

You are doing great btw sticking with the job, I know it's difficult but do try and stick at work and not avoid it (avoiding will make it harder to cope with in the long run).

Don't be scared to tell your GP how you feel, and see if you can get this next level of support.

Good Luck


23-09-10, 08:57
Agree absolutely - it's really important not to get into the habit of avoiding work as it can make things so much worse.

23-09-10, 08:59
its social anxiety, i have got, i

she has referred me to the counseller, i need it big time

23-09-10, 12:18
i do hope the counsellor helps ....keep us posted xxxxx