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23-09-10, 08:59
Ive decided to hand in my notice at work because i cannot work at the moment with this. I dont know what to do with myself most of the time i feel so depressed which has come on from panic attacks then anxiety. Ive not had a panic attack for awhile but im anxious every day and feel sick with worry and cry all the time.
Dont know how im going to cope with money but i feel i need to leave to get better.
Does anyone understand where im coming from??? because i dont understand myself to much at the moment.

Any advice would be greatfully received

Thank you. xx

23-09-10, 09:07
Hello, could you not just get signed off work for a while, and see how you go instead of handing your notice in. :)

23-09-10, 09:23
Ive been off nearly 8 weeks and dont feel any better, i think its making it worse having going back to work hanging over my head. I feel this is the only way out at the moment.

Thank you for answering Angels22165. xxx

23-09-10, 09:23
I know exactly how you feel...... I had a similar dilemma after working for the council for 27 years........ people said to just go off sick but you still feel pressure all the time to get back and that they're waiting for you! Then you've got the hassle of certificates, personell departments etc to worry you. In the end, just gave in my notice....... a tremendous weight off my mind and felt a lot better for it!

23-09-10, 09:27
Ah geoff!!!! thank you so so so so much i could give you a cuddle:hugs:
Im glad someone else understands what im going though and im sure it will make a big diff to my recovery then when im stronger i'll look for another job but will do it in my own time. dont know what i'll do for money but will have to cross that bridge when i get to it.

Thank you for answering my post it means alot to know people care. xx

23-09-10, 10:31
Hi Sharon,
It's a shame that you've had to hand in your notice, but it could be what you need to try and get on the road to recovery so yes, you've probably done the right thing. Just not having to think about returning to work will be a weight off your mind because there's nothing worse than knowing you may have to return and "put on a face", I've done that before and it's extremely difficult. Also, you may miss the money but many people say that you just need to cut your cloth accordingly. I bet you do feel a bit better already and I hope that you feel better soon. Think about yourself and give yourself some TLC and everything else will fall into place eventually. x

23-09-10, 10:39
sharon..try not to worry my love...things will always work out xxxxx

23-09-10, 10:44
i am also thinkin off handing in me notice aswell.i cant bear work and that its makking the anxiety worse and then i start doing stupid things at work, no 1 understands in my family about it there sayin just go to work

23-09-10, 11:14
Hi, I know exactly how you feel as I found it too much and resigned. I had a lot of stress with my ex, was working long hours and providing for my kids as their sole provider and as I suffer from anxiety it really was getting me down. For a few weeks it made a difference and I felt relieved and content but now I have the financial issues which is bringing back a new type of stress. Overall though, I am glad I resigned as trying to juggle work with all the other stress was too much. I hope whatever decision you take is the right one but please just make sure that losing the security of a wage won't make things worse. Good luck x

23-09-10, 11:16
Ah geoff!!!! thank you so so so so much i could give you a cuddle:hugs:
Im glad someone else understands what im going though and im sure it will make a big diff to my recovery then when im stronger i'll look for another job but will do it in my own time. dont know what i'll do for money but will have to cross that bridge when i get to it.

Thank you for answering my post it means alot to know people care. xx

Yes, friends would say to try and get "medically pensioned off"..... I'm not that ancient! Then I had to go and see the occupational health people who were very unhelpful and seemed to be only interested in saving the council money! As soon as I'd sent that notice letter off, felt like a lot of pressure had been lifted from me...... before, when I got a 4 week certificate, I then started worrying what was going to happen if I wasn't ok in 4 weeks...... would I get another cert or have to return to work where they'd cart me away screaming to the local psychiatric unit!!
You'd be amazed how you can cut costs if you have to..... and perhaps your partner or even relatives can help out a bit. Get that letter off today, post it and the deed is done!!.... maybe you'd better tell your partner first though in case you get murdered lol!!

23-09-10, 12:40
Hi Sharon,

I’m so sorry you’re still struggling with that work thing :hugs:

“Does anyone understand where im coming from??? because i dont understand myself to much at the moment.”

Only one person can really answer that, and I’m not suggesting one thing or the other; however, if it feels like ‘you dont understand yourself too much at the moment’, do you think you’re thinking clearly enough about it to be making the best choices? I mean, is it a decision that needs to be made at all at the moment?

It’s a big decision, and the immediate ‘instinctive’ choice is to get away from danger – or ‘perceived’ danger – by any means possible. But it would be wise to carefully weigh up all the implications because it’s no help trading one stressful situation today for some different but equally stressful situations tomorrow. Frying pans and fires, and devils you know, and all that :winks:

There’s one thing I can’t help thinking – and I know it’s easy for me to say because this one thing that wouldn’t worry me too much – well no more than the natural apprehension of starting a new job after several years. But I wonder if avoiding work at this time is just giving the anxiety more ‘power’. Like a sort of unresolved issue, making it still feel like a daunting prospect again next time. I’d hate for that to happen.

But as I said at the start – only one person can make this decision, and I for one will respect and back you up on whatever that may be. Just make it the right decision for the right reasons for you Sharon :)

Take care,

23-09-10, 12:54
Hi Sharon,

I’m so sorry you’re still struggling with that work thing :hugs:

“Does anyone understand where im coming from??? because i dont understand myself to much at the moment.”

Only one person can really answer that, and I’m not suggesting one thing or the other; however, if it feels like ‘you dont understand yourself too much at the moment’, do you think you’re thinking clearly enough about it to be making the best choices? I mean, is it a decision that needs to be made at all at the moment?

It’s a big decision, and the immediate ‘instinctive’ choice is to get away from danger – or ‘perceived’ danger – by any means possible. But it would be wise to carefully weigh up all the implications because it’s no help trading one stressful situation today for some different but equally stressful situations tomorrow. Frying pans and fires, and devils you know, and all that :winks:

There’s one thing I can’t help thinking – and I know it’s easy for me to say because this one thing that wouldn’t worry me too much – well no more than the natural apprehension of starting a new job after several years. But I wonder if avoiding work at this time is just giving the anxiety more ‘power’. Like a sort of unresolved issue, making it still feel like a daunting prospect again next time. I’d hate for that to happen.

But as I said at the start – only one person can make this decision, and I for one will respect and back you up on whatever that may be. Just make it the right decision for the right reasons for you Sharon :)

Take care,

Great post Nigel.

23-09-10, 13:19
Hi Sharon. I ended up chucking my job years back when my head was a total mess while I was recovering (if that's the word, long story) after I had anorexia. I just got to the point where I felt I really needed to concentrate on getting better.

I'd say it did work but it took me quite a while to find another job once I felt better. It's hard to explain that gap on your CV, and it's probably harder to get another job now than it was then.

I'm not saying don't do it and I've been in that place where you just kind of get fixated on thinking a particular thing is what you need to do. Just weigh things up very carefully tho, and bear in mind what Nigel says xx

23-09-10, 13:28
Great post Nigel.
Yes that is a great post Nigel. Really makes you think.

23-09-10, 14:46
ha ha ha Geoff,
My partner knows about me handing in m notice he said we will struggle on. my health and life is far more important than any job. Im just such a worrrier im sure most people wouldnt even worry about hand in their notice. My boss will call me tomorrow so i will tell her over the phone im not coming back and go from there.

23-09-10, 14:52
Thank you all so much for your advice. Im going to do it and hand it in tomorrow i feel so sick at even the thought of going back. and im sure theres more to life than this im sure. when im better i will find another job if not i'll stand on a street corner. lol only joking!

big hugs to everyone. xxxxx

23-09-10, 17:25
ha ha ha Geoff,
My partner knows about me handing in m notice he said we will struggle on. my health and life is far more important than any job. Im just such a worrrier im sure most people wouldnt even worry about hand in their notice. My boss will call me tomorrow so i will tell her over the phone im not coming back and go from there.
This councillor I've seen a couple of times....... she said to me "whats more important Geoff, work or your health?" I work for myself gardening and just took on to much work for me to manage comfortably and got myself in a right state. Anyway, I've dropped about 2 days /week of work and stretched the other 3 days into the spaces so everythings a bit more easy going....... what a weight off my mind!! The wallets a bit lighter too but if things get tight, do I really need 2 motorbikes and can always have beans on toast more often lol! You'll be able to economise a bit and it'll be fine.

24-09-10, 08:02
Ah thank you once again Geoff. xx

24-09-10, 12:04
Hi Sharon,

I know exactly how you feel. I have not been off work yet but I can identify with the constant feeling stressed and sick and depressed, and the need to get out. I am currently on Fluoxetine, don't know how I would be without that.
Is it working in general which makes your problems worse, or is it just the job you are doing now?
I have found that it is the nature of my current job which is making me want to leave or go off sick, not the notion of working in itself.
If this is the case for you, you could apply for other jobs whilst still at your current one, then it wouldn't leave a gap in your employment?
If it is work in general which causes problems, then the other posters are right, your health is more important than work.


24-09-10, 23:51
Hi Sharon,

Well done for making the decision.
As I said, as long as you make the right decision for you then it’s the right decision :)

Take care,

27-09-10, 09:20
Hi Sandcat,

Ive had panic attacks on and off for years with gaps of a couple of year in between.
They first started at work and i think i get to a point in a job and they come crashing back, i was in my job nearly 2 years and hadnt had any major attacks in that time, but then they started again and i had them soild for 2 weeks at work then was signed off ive handed in my notice now, so will just have to see what the doc says. The thought of any work at the moment is making me really ill. I just want to get better before i start looking for a new job and i dont know how long that will take.

Thank you so much for caring. xxx

27-09-10, 09:20
Thank you so so so much Nigel. xxx

27-09-10, 10:23
Sharon - your health is the most important thing, what;s the saying health is wealth. I am currently not working and yes there is a strain financiallly on us but you can find ways of surviving. You will qualify for sick pay from the government and whilst benefits isn't really my way forward I feel that I paid taxes for over 20 years so I am putting my health first.
Not sure what your cooking skills are like but I have learnt very quickly to eat healthily using lots of fruit and veg. You can make great healthy food on very little money.
Eating healthily will help your anxiety and the challenge of finding new recipes will give you something to think about and you will feel better - I promise.

You have definately made the right decision and don't worry about finding a new job yet just put you first. things have a way of working themselves out but you need health to do it!!!
Good luck

27-09-10, 15:59
Thank you so much ditzygirl,
You made me smile.
I like cooking which is a good thing and the shopping bill has gone down to. lol
Havent lost any weight yet though, im going to start going on the wii fit for an hour.

Whenever i feel down im going to read your message.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:) :hugs:

27-09-10, 16:39
You're welcome anytime Sharon. I've spent years beating myself up about anxiety, lost a job through it but have now decided to be positive about it.

Yes I suffer from ANXIETY and Yes it makes me DEPRESSED but that doesn't make me a bad person and I will get through it eventually.

Feel free to pm me anytimex

27-09-10, 23:24
I was happy in my work but the palpitations and the panic that followed just got too much.

I stopped work a few weeks before last Christmas. Just could not handle it. The relief really helped but has brought financial stress. I am still glad I made that decision.

I think your instinct/gut tells you what is best for you. Just follow those gut feelings

28-09-10, 08:54
Thank you so much for your kind words. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx