View Full Version : Night sweats?

23-09-10, 09:47
Last night I woke up and my neck and upper chest were sweaty :( I had the heating on in my room but I left the window open so I wouldn't get hot. I have had this a couple of times this week...waking up with my neck damp with sweat. I'm really worried now. Could it be because it's been mild over the last few days? I take sertraline, I wonder if it is related to that? I had my duvet round me lastnight but left my blanket off. Urgh, I'm so sick of this. I was starting to feel so much better too!!

Moonlight xx

23-09-10, 10:04
Hi there moonlightfire. I get terrible night sweats when I take SSRI's. Ill wake up with wet bedding its that bad! Ive placed a towel underneath the flat sheet, so that it soaks up some of the sweat. It works quite well! Since ive put it there ive been woken up less from it.
I also take a shower before bed time and that seems to be helping. Not sure why lol.

23-09-10, 11:03
Mine aren't as bad as that. I get a wet patch on my neck and back of my head and down my upper chest. I think I'll try taking a shower before bed and see if that helps. I have heard that they can be a side effect of sertraline but I get terrified because it's also a symptom of HIV! xx

paula lynne
23-09-10, 11:07
Hi Moonlightfire, I get awful surges of heat and sweats when I ovulate, which stops when I get my period. Also, my vertigo goes into overdrive at this time, and I seem constantly anxious. I find just using cotton sheets helps, window open, and a frefreshing shower before bed is a good idea.
ITS NOT A HOT FLUSH ITS A POWER SURGE! (my fridge magnet!) haha:)

23-09-10, 11:18
Ah yes, I probably am quite close to ovulation now so maybe that's it. I have been really anxious recently but it was beginning to settle down until this! I was getting sweaty in bed during my period so I put it down to that and now I've had two days in a row where I've woken up with a sweaty neck and back of head :( Would night sweats caused by illness (e.g HIV or cancer) be much more severe?

paula lynne
23-09-10, 11:23
Do you think you have something like hiv or cancer? if so why is that hun...Im sure this is related to your meds or your menstrual cycle. x:)

23-09-10, 11:24
I've had them a lot in the past, I had about 3 nights straight but at that time I was barely sleeping and highly stressed, I had one last night (very slight but still) but I do have a cold and throat infection if that makes any difference, I'm on Sertraline too. Saying that I went to sleep thinking how hot it was anyway

23-09-10, 11:26
There have been times when I've woken up DRENCHED and had to change, usually after nightmares, summer nights or illness.

23-09-10, 11:33
Paula, because I had unprotected oral sex 8 and a half years ago with someone I had a one night stand with and I worry about it...a lot lol :( Also, I get wierd things wrong with me.

paula lynne
23-09-10, 11:40
Hi love, maybe a chat at a sexually health clinic will put that to rest....Im sure this is just your meds/menstrual cycle. Plus, its been mild at night recently. Hope you get a better nights sleep tonight hun xx:wacko:

23-09-10, 11:41
Thanks Paula. I've spoken to the Terrence Higgins Trust. They say it's unlikely. Im still scared lol.

Hazel B
23-09-10, 11:44
I get really sweaty at night now, I had Citalopram a few days and that made it worse. I now have Propranolol and it still happens, I really wrap myself in the duvet so it's no wonder. It has also been quite warm at night recently.
Midnight Fire, please put your mind at ease and chat to your GP or go to a GUM clinic. It's all in confidence and you could ask for a blood test to reassure you. Take a trusted person with you for support, it's the only way to stop the worry about HIV, it's anxiety I'm sure.

23-09-10, 12:03
Paula, the full story is on this thread http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=80569 :( I know what I have to do but I'm terrified. xx

paula lynne
23-09-10, 12:05
Ok thanx, will check it out now xx :)

Hazel B
23-09-10, 12:21
So sorry I got your name wrong.
I replied on your previous post and told you about my experience 20 years ago. I know it takes a massive brave step to get tested, but surely it would be worth ending these constant worries?

paula lynne
23-09-10, 12:32
Hi again..x firstlly I agree with Hazel B, go and get tested. It will be terrifying, but youve worried for all these years. Please go and put your mind at rest. Terence Higgins trust know their onions...but they obviously havent been able to put your mind at rest, a test wouldnt take long hun, and you can close the book on that worry for the rest of your life! Imagine the relief of not worrying about that one night stand for a second longer!..I know its scary, but the relief is going to be huge. Secondly, Im now convinced that these sweats are menstruation/meds related. Try keeping a diary and see if a pattern emerges? love to you.....x:winks:

23-09-10, 12:32
Aw that's ok Hazel. Thank you for your replies and support :) I really appreciate it. Yes, I know you're right. I just need to get the courage and go. xxx

23-09-10, 12:37
Being a guy I guess menstruation is out of the question for my excuse :/

23-09-10, 12:40
Thank you so much Paula. The THT were brilliant both times I called them :) They are a wonderful organisation, I'd actually really like to work for them but the job I want hasn't come up since I've been looking. She was very reassuring...but what seems to happen is I am happy and reassured for a few hours and then go back to worrying again :( They say that the chances from oral sex are minimal and that most people show symptoms around the 5 year mark. Also I told her all about the various odd things I've had wrong (cold sores inside my mouth and gum infection) and she said it didn't sound like it but she couldn't be absolutely sure. I just need to be brave and go to the clinic ahhrhrhrhhghgh xxx

Hazel B
23-09-10, 12:42
It will take all your courage and bravery, but as Paula Lynne says, the relief will be HUGE! You've had the worry for years, so why not draw a line under it, get to the clinic and have the test, it takes seconds and they know people are nervous.
Imagine us there with you if it helps. My heart goes out to you.

I've just realised that my sweaty nights are worse every month too, thanks Paula Lynne!

23-09-10, 12:47
Lol MC, I guess it is. It could still be hormonal for you though. Also, it's in the side effects list on the leaflet that comes in the pill box. Hehe look at me being all logical and giving good advice...wish I was as good at taking it!!!

23-09-10, 12:49
Aww thanks guys, you're all so sweet :) :) I long for the relief and an end to this worry but at the same time I'm so terrified of a bad outcome :(

23-09-10, 13:12
Going back to the subject of night sweats - I find it odd that it's just my neck and back of my head that are sweaty. Also I woke up the other night and it was just me knees...bizarre. Is this the same for you guys?

23-09-10, 13:15
I have it all over but my sister keeps waking with her neck and hair wet weekly

23-09-10, 23:48
I'm menopausal so I get them every night. I wake up every 1 - 2 hours and am sweaty pretty much all over. Then I get panicky, and have to calm myself to fall back to sleep.