View Full Version : Omg please help! Im in work... about to work out! Huge panic attack....

23-09-10, 10:10
It just came on so suddenly... i was doing some photocopying and the office phone rang for me so i was talking on that and i just felt absolute panic.... my heart was pounding, i needed to sit down, i was burning up, shaking, chest felt funny... i was trying to get off the phone but felt trapped!
Phonecall ended and i was just getting worse, i feel so trapped in work... i managed to get everything together on my desk and make my excuses that i needed to bob to the library.. just to get out!!
Iv just bobbed out for 10 minutes but couldnt stay out any longer than that cos it would look suspicios..... so im back at my desk and i feel awful... my heart is still pounding an i feel shaky, my legs r achy and tense and my whole body is tense.. i feel like i cant breathe, bt i can...

is this a panic attack????? i know deep down it is bt i jus feel so trapped in work... i was off one day last week so CANT go home to my safe place... please someone help, its only 10am, im here till 5!!

23-09-10, 10:15
Yes, it sounds like a panic attack but be reassured that NO REAL HARM WILL COME TO YOU. Try and take some deep breaths because this WILL PASS. When the adrenaline stops you will calm down. Don't despair, you will get through this. Go to the toilet and give yourself a chance to calm down. It's horrible I know but it will pass. x

23-09-10, 10:38
we are with you....its so blooming awful.....do as above says....it will work xxxxx

thinking of you xxxxx

23-09-10, 11:57
Thank you for your replies - iv managed to stay!

Feeling alot better now, its subsided.... but i still have slight anxiety worrying incase it happens again! Its one thing after another... :blush:

Felt so much better when you had replied because it reassured me that it was just a panic attack.. so thank you so much :hugs:

This website really is a saviour xx

23-09-10, 12:11
hiiiiiii - so glad that it has subsided xxxx we are all here if you need us xxxx

this site is so marvellous xxxxx