View Full Version : Acid Relux - Please help me

23-09-10, 13:13
I have had heartburn everyday now since about March and am really scared. My Doctor doesnt seem concerned but I am really scared. I keep getting an ache between my shoulder blades when I eat something and am terrified its cancer or something :weep:. I am a 36 year old female. I have ME and an underactive thyroid. I had blood tests in August that were all normal. (Thyroid,liver,kidney,inflammation,full blood count) and also a stool sample was tested for H pylori which was negative.

Please can anyone help me? I dont know whats causing the ache at the top of my back :weep:


23-09-10, 13:19
I know that the gallbladder can cause this type of pain, but then of course so can acid reflux. Has your doctor given you medication for your reflux?

23-09-10, 13:38
The Doctor has given me Omeprazole (?) but I havent taken it as I am scared too. Also they said that I should try not to take medication if I can as it can make it worse. I feel scared :weep:

23-09-10, 13:53
sunflower, i am on omeprazole 20mg right now. I was in a lot of pain a few days ago but already it is subsiding.

Take them, please. There's nothing to be afraid of. In under a week you'll be feeling a lot better. Believe me, they work. They are there to help you so please give them a chance.


paula lynne
23-09-10, 13:58
ditto gareth, stopped my mums horrific heartburn in 3 days x:)

23-09-10, 14:34
Thanks for your help. Do you think the ache between my shoulders could be caused by acid reflux?


23-09-10, 14:37
I have been on GERD/GORD drugs for years. They work great. I hope you feel better and please vent here whenever you need. Lord knows that I rely on you guys so much that I can't imagine not having this place.

23-09-10, 14:38
Forgot to mention that the pain between your shoulders can definately be caused by reflux.

23-09-10, 14:40
You are all so kind. Its nice to have somwhere to come to where people understand. I really need to sort my diet out as I have eaten a lot of rubbish recently and not much fruit and veg. Its my own fault and maybe these things would help. I also need to lose some weight!

23-09-10, 17:21
You sound just like me sunflower - bit of a rubbish diet at the moment, need to do more exercise... and yes, the pain between your shoulder blades will be the acid reflux. I mentioned this to the doctor and she said its the sort of pain you will feel all the way through your body to your back.


23-09-10, 17:47
Hi sunflower,

I've had acid reflux for a few years now, and i'm on omeprazole, definatley take them it will put your mind at rest. I have one every day, if i forget then i have a really bad time for next couple of days...

I'v been there thinking all the cancer things and I'm 36 same as you, it's extremley rare and highly unlikely.... Millions of people suffer with acid reflux and I'm sure your the same. Take care

cheesy pete
23-09-10, 20:31
Hi Sunflower,

I've been been on acid reflux drugs for a couple of weeks and i've found them really helpful. Still having days which aren't as good but i think that they may relate to certain foods.

They have obviously prescribed them to help so you should take them and see how they get on. I have the pains between my shoulder blades as well and i'm sure it is related along with the anxiety.

Hope this helps.

23-09-10, 20:49
ive been having the same problems, heartburn but tonight i have heartburn but also feel like i need to burp, my chest feels tight as if someone sitting on me and have to keep taking deep breathes cos i cant breath... can this happen im scared ive took gaviscon heartburn gone a bit but not the burp

24-09-10, 09:08
Thanks everyone for your help. It seems I am not alone with getting the ache between my shoulders after eating. I always have something to worry about. Just had a CT scn as been getting headaches so waiting for the results and also getting scalp biopsy done next month as I have itchy lumps on my scalp which I have had for few years :weep:

Thanks Again Everyone x

24-09-10, 09:09
I also burp and pass wind a lot which worries me but its prob all connected. Does anyone else have a lot of wind?


24-09-10, 19:29
I have suffered with both, Acid reflux and Gallstone problems. Acid reflux, the pain was between my shoulder blades and pressure pain in my throat and the more anxious you get the more acid is produced and the worse it gets. Even when you don't feel the actual acid come up it's at work and even sleeping it can slip up into your throat and cause all kinds of pain and burning sensations. Take the omeperazole it really will help and if it doesn't go back to your Doctor and demand some further tests. Gallstones the pain was much more acute really crippling pain, crushing right around the back and front (almost where your bra goes around) and nothing would relieve it. Give the meds a try and you are right diet plays a big part but it honestly doesn't sound like anything serious :)

24-09-10, 19:32
Maybeoneday - increased burping and pressure can suggest hiatus hernia or an ulcer, are you on any meds at the moment?

24-09-10, 22:56
Thanks again for all the advice from everyone. I should try the tablets. Seems like its a common problem. The pain between my shoulders worries me.

Thanks again.

Regards x

24-09-10, 22:56
katie ive been taking gaviscon, the doctor put me on lanzaprazole but i felt realy dizzy on it . i have had it again tonight it feels like preasure on my chest heavy like, and im finding it hard to breath , like i have to take big breathes. if i lay down i feel better. its realy getting me down, cant go out cos i feel to ill, the breathing thing is worrying me.