View Full Version : Feeling dreadful never felt so ill

23-09-10, 14:03
Last night NHS Direct called the Ambulance out as i couldn't swallow properly at all they said it was tonsillitis and gave me some antibiotics.

However today, My whole face feels very heavy and weak, my body feels very weak, i am getting visual disturbances, still getting bad pain in my neck and i have never felt so ill or strange, This week i've had the Ambulance out twice and went to the walk-in centre on Monday.

I really don't know what to do, I had blood tests done on Monday at the hospital and they were ok but maybe something has developed since then? Really not sure what to do, I feel guilty already after having the Ambulance out twice this week and seen my GP on Tuesday but my concerns weren't dealt with.

Oh and i have got tingling in my arms.

What do i do? The Doctors are going to think i am going mad or something.

paula lynne
23-09-10, 14:24
Eggy, if youve really NEVER felt so ill, then you obviously need to go to hosptial NOW and tell them what youve just told us on here. Go now

23-09-10, 14:43
Eggy, if youve really NEVER felt so ill, then you obviously need to go to hosptial NOW and tell them what youve just told us on here. Go now

What worries me is as i have been bugging the doctors alot lately they might not take me seriously or dismiss my concerns thinking i am being a hypocondraic.

On Monday the Ambulance came out, On Tuesday i saw my GP and last night the Ambulance came out again.

Basically today i am getting:-

Blurred vision mainly in my left eye
Feeling really lightheaded/dizzy
Ache/Heavy feeling in the face
Tingling in my lips
Pain in my neck
Feeling weak everywhere and a bit off balance
Some chest discomfort.

paula lynne
23-09-10, 14:45
If you are experiencing all of these things, are dont believe its your anxiety, then you need to get yourself to a hospital Eggy. COULD it be anxiety eggy?

23-09-10, 14:46
Eggy have you taken your temperature ? Also have your glands swollen up in your neck ? If you do have severe tonsillitis you will feel ill .Ibrufen and plenty of bedrest will lower your temperature. Make sure you drink plenty of liquids ,even tho its painful .Failure to do this will cause you to become de-hydrated and make you feel worse .Keep warm and if you feel no better call out your Dr for a home visit . :hugs:sUE X

23-09-10, 14:48
Well recently i have never felt so bad and i really don't know if it is anxiety but i don't want to be labelled a malingerer or a timewaster and i don't know if i will be taken seriously.

I hope it is anxiety but i don't know if it is something serious.

23-09-10, 14:52
Eggy have you taken your temperature ? Also have your glands swollen up in your neck ? If you do have severe tonsillitis you will feel ill .Ibrufen and plenty of bedrest will lower your temperature. Make sure you drink plenty of liquids ,even tho its painful .Failure to do this will cause you to become de-hydrated and make you feel worse .Keep warm and if you feel no better call out your Dr for a home visit . :hugs:sUE X

My temperature seems ok and my glands aren't too bad either, I don't have severe tonsillitis they are just a little red and swollen.

paula lynne
23-09-10, 14:53
Try drinking some water and take anti-inflams as per previous post, see how you feel in a few hours. Dehydration makes the whole body malfunction, from thinking ability to performing simple tasks. A pint of water and rest should help, see how you feel later on

23-09-10, 14:55
I feel really faint as well hope nothing is going to happen to me.

23-09-10, 15:02
Do you have swollen glands and a sore throat ? this will make your face feel uncomfortable .Alot of your symptoms are down to anxiety by the sound of it .Also if you have a swollen neck this can affect the face and arms .The blood test would have ruled out any virus that was going to cause these symptoms .Unless you cant swallow or you have a rash and seriously high temperature ,Id do what I suggest for now at least .Im sure you will feel better once you accept and stop imagining you have something serious .I see from another of your posts you had jaw ache ,,this is very common with Anxiety sufferers .Your Dentist can make you a gum shield to stop you clenching your jaw whilst asleep .It can cause very uncomfortable pain ,but this will stop it . Sue x

23-09-10, 15:05
Missed your post sorry ..Anxiety will make you feel dizzy ..So breath deeply and have a lie down ..Im sure you will be just fine hun .Try to relax a little .Sue x

23-09-10, 20:35
I had to call an Ambulance in town as i felt overwhelming all of a sudden.

They done an ECG inside the Ambulance which was ok, blood pressure was ok, pulse and temperature were ok, blood sugar level was ok.

At the hospital a doctor checked my eyes, felt my neck which isn't swollen at all, and my tonsils are no longer inflamed so i don't get why i am getting these symptoms.

23-09-10, 20:45
Anxiety will give you all the symtoms you are experiencing Eggy .Now you definately know there is nothing wrong .You must accept its just Anxiety .Read thru the Symptoms on the left of the page ,it explains it all and gives you explanations .Once you have accepted it ,the symptoms will start to go .The more you think of them the worse it gets .Keep distracted and pay no attention .Relaxation will help and deep breathing ,this will relax not only your mind but the muscles which are causing you to experience a lot of your Symptoms ..Im sure you will feel better soon .t/C sue

23-09-10, 20:54
Anxiety will give you all the symtoms you are experiencing Eggy .Now you definately know there is nothing wrong .You must accept its just Anxiety .Read thru the Symptoms on the left of the page ,it explains it all and gives you explanations .Once you have accepted it ,the symptoms will start to go .The more you think of them the worse it gets .Keep distracted and pay no attention .Relaxation will help and deep breathing ,this will relax not only your mind but the muscles which are causing you to experience a lot of your Symptoms ..Im sure you will feel better soon .t/C sue

Thanks Sue,

However, Obviously pulse, temperature and things like blood pressure can't tell if you have something bad like for example a brain tumour or cancer.

I think the body weakness thing is bothering me more than anything else right now, The problems with my mouth and getting face pains and aches and getting twitching and weird feelings in my mouth are really worrying especially when my mouth feels so weak i feel like i cannot chew food anymore this along with the feeling of something big being stuck in my throat all the time, my lips are tingling as well and my tongue feels weird.

My arms and legs feel very weak and floppy, even picking things up seem hard for me and i have tingling in my hands as well.

And i am feeling so dizzy constantly.

paula lynne
23-09-10, 20:58
Hi again Eggy...I can promise you that right now, I am experiencing about 80% of the same symptoms as you. If you were seen today by ambulance personnel, and given the all clear, could you possibly open your mind to the fact it may be anxiety, as suggested by many others in previous posts. ? Did you read the information on panic and anxiety as suggested by sue? x:)

23-09-10, 21:01
They didn't address all my concerns like the fact i cannot chew very well or that i am getting a lot of neck pain which i have had for 3 weeks.

They listened to the fact that my legs felt weak and my eyes were playing up and that i felt lightheaded and dizzy.

paula lynne
23-09-10, 21:11
ok, they didnt address all the symptoms, but have you read the posts on anxiety and panic as suggested by suzy-sue?? people are trying to help you eggy.....

23-09-10, 21:14
This all sounds like typical anxiety symptoms to me Eggy.

Read the website pages and get some reassurance from that.

23-09-10, 21:16
Our college daughter was home with tonsiliitis about a month ago and had achy pain in her whole face and neck. Have to realize your tonsils affect that whole area.

So take the antibiotics they gave you, and ask them what other things you can take to help ease the aches and inflammation.

Anxiety can be more pronounced when we are ill as we think more.

My best hopes to you as each day you are getting better.

Weird thing is last thing a paramedic said you have swollen tonsils with pus so she gave me Penicillin, However today i go to the hospital and the doctor says your tonsils are ok and they are not inflamed and he felt round my throat area and said it was ok.

23-09-10, 21:19
This all sounds like typical anxiety symptoms to me Eggy.

Read the website pages and get some reassurance from that.

Really? Even the difficulty swallowing, persistent neck pain, face/jaw/cheekbone pains/aches/twitching and feeling of a very heavy and puffy face like its hanging off? and it feels like it's going to spasm and break my jaws or fracture my cheekbones?

Also is a feeling of a numb tongue, mouth weakness and trouble chewing and eating really down to anxiety?

23-09-10, 21:23
Well some of it sounds like tension because you are anxious.

Please do read the symptoms page though - it is very imformative