View Full Version : New here! - physical to mental symptoms

23-09-10, 14:27
Hi! I'm not sure whether I have posted in the right bit! I am new here and have spent a few years feeling anxious and having blood tests and scans for various illnesses which have been negative. I find it really hard to understand that my mind can make me feel physically ill. I could just about cope with this but recently things have changed. Out of the blue, I experienced what I think is depersonalisation. I then felt physically well but was very anxious that I was going mad. This is far the worse symptom I have ever had. Now I am beginning to feel depressed about all this with constantly feeling wierd and not myself. I just wondered if this is common to feel physical symptoms and then mental symptoms? I am waiting to get an appointment to start counselling and I am also reading Claire Weekes' book.
Thanks for reading.

Hazel B
23-09-10, 14:35

I am sure that all the tests you have will be negative, and it is the power of the mind that can cause physical symptoms. With me, it's adrenalin that makes my heart race and head ache. I've had an awful 3 years that ended with a health scare and this set off anxiety. All the possible symptoms are listed on the left of the screen.

When I finally went to my GP after losing weight, not sleeping etc, he told me it was anxiety and it took me a few days to accept that and deal with it. I'm on temporary meds and having counselling. I've just finished the book you mention, some of it is old-fashioned but a lot makes sense.
Take care you are not alone.

paula lynne
23-09-10, 14:37
Hi and welcome :welcome:read the threads on the left about panic attacks and anxiety, they are excellent. Your mind is very very powerful, and it can cause your symptoms. I hope you feel better soon, glad to know you x:)

24-09-10, 19:43
Thank you for replying. This website is great and very helpful. I know what you mean about the Claire Weekes book.... it is old fashioned in places but you're right, it does make sense.

Hazel B
24-09-10, 19:59
The bit in the book about middle-aged housewives drives me nuts! I'm over 40, work full-time at senior level and still got anxiety, never mind all that drivel about being at home with only housework to do! Grrr! You have to accept it was written so long ago!
I do like the part that says "let time pass" that works for me.
Hope you're OK today x

24-09-10, 20:21
help withdrwals off sertralin how long does it last does it get better head zaps shakes sick sweets, took overdoes 3 days ago as head is going crazy does it pass, i have 4 boys to look after came out off hospital today, i feel so bad am i alone or has someone been through the same and came out the other said i would love to know thaku u all for readin this x

paula lynne
24-09-10, 20:26
Hi clare so sorry you are having a bad time...bless you. It might be better if you start your own thread, ad people will look at this thread under the main heading, and you didnt post that. So maybe you could start a thread under medication, or whatever....and then people can reply to you. x hope you feel better soon xxx:hugs:

24-09-10, 20:29
are thanks babe lol will do that now x