View Full Version : new medication scared!

misty rainbow
23-09-10, 14:38
ello all i just been prescribed pregabalin 150 mg twice a day as sufferin with anxiety really worried bout takin it as already on 10 mg citalopram any advice greatly received as dont know what 2 do!

23-09-10, 19:15
I know how you feel Misty - and I expect most people here do too! I had to start a new tricyclic a couple of days ago and I was petrified.

Two things: first of all, you managed to get onto Citalopram ok (probably a few bumps here and there), so you know you can do it. Second, scroll down to the Medications forums - there is a board specifically on Pregabalin, and I know someone kept a diary for their first month or so on the drug. I read it, and thought it sounded 'copeable' (I have pregabalin in the back of mind as a next option if the tricyclic doesn't work).

Best of luck and keep posting about it, people will help you through and reassure you.


misty rainbow
05-10-10, 18:19
thank you Dahlia,have been on it just over a week think its helpin a bit but do feel dizzy with it, just wish i could switch anxiety off like a light switch! hope yr new meds are helpin you x

05-10-10, 19:08
Remember, DO NOT TAKE, any benzodiazipnes like diazipam, tamazipam ect they will increase the active ingredient in both and can over sedated you.. if worried about anything please contact myself of your GP there are some tips if you have side affects

regards Nurse practitioner Yusuf Hoffman BA M PHD

05-10-10, 20:27
Hey misty, hope its going well!

Tis my diary on the pregabalin board, please come and have a read, give me 5 because I'm about to update it! Its all completely honest and a rather good success story!

Hope to see you there!


misty rainbow
11-10-10, 20:25
thanks bel have been reading yr diary on pregab has been really helpful and i can relate to it,has been 2 weeks on it for me now and it is helping but anxiety not switched off yet x